97feingold shaw3
Presentation #1, FAUS Convention
working right and what can be done to make
Alexaneria, VA, 6/27/97
correct it. So my career has been basically to
Biological Basis of Autism and PDD
learn how to tow away stalled cars and get them
off of the road so that the freeway can run well
again - a glorified traffic manager.
Great Planes Laboratory
Urine contains the sum of everything that
9335 West 75th St.
has gone on in the body and so is the best sample
Overland Park, Kansas 66204
for measuring what is going on in metabolism.
So one goal was to be able to identify every single chemical in urine. I start with mass
Introductions by Lynn Murphy president and
spectrometry, today's most sensitive technique for
Pat Palmer public relations of FAUS: Dr.
isolating and separating chemical compounds by
Shaw had found a group of people in which seizures were triggered by adiphic acid. He
weight. The peaks in the traces show the amount
knew it was in certain products but could
of the compound present. The profiles of normal
never find the ingredient on food labels. And
urine samples show hundreds of compounds but
FAUS had found over the years that some
with most of them in very small amounts.
people's seizures went away when they were
A data base of urine profiles for children
on the Feingold diet. The FDA allows adiphic
with autism, though, shows many more
acid to be listed as "flavoring," and FAUS was
compounds that hardly register in normal
able to supply its list of foods without these hidden antifungal ingredients. So began the
samples, some of these new ones in large
working relationship between Dr. Shaw and
quantities. What really caught my attention
initially and started the course of my investigations was that the mass spectrographic
Metabolism can be thought of as profiles of two autistic brothers. The profiles
analogous to the LA freeway system. It's very
were strikingly similar in their differences from
complex, and there are lots of ways to get from
norm. And in addition to autism these boys also
one point to another. A freeway slowed or
had severe muscular deficiency and renal leakage,
blocked in Santa Monica, might effect traffic in
symptoms sometimes associated with autism. It
downtown Los Angeles, the effect depending on
turned out that virtually all the abnormal mass
the severity of the blockage. But even if a
spectrometer peaks present in the urine samples
freeway is totally blocked, traffic will find
of these boys are derived from michroorganisms
alternate routes. The same interplay occurs in
in the intestinal tract. And the quantities were
metabolism. Sometimes the blockages are caused
astounding. About 80 % of the compounds
by genetics. Sometimes the blockages are caused
present in the urine of these boys was due to the
by foods or medicines we eat, or sometimes by
presence of yeasts and bacteria in the intestine.
the michroorganisms in our intestinal tract and
(Results published in Clinical Chemistry, 1995.)
the chemicals they secrete. The more severe the blockage, the more alternative "traffic" there is
Identifying the compounds shown to be
going to be for a particular pathway. My goal
present by the mass spectrographic results is a
was to be able to determine which pathway is
separate task. One abnormal compound prevalent
being adversely effected when something is not
in these autistic brothers and in many but not all
p.1 Shaw, FAUS 6/27/97
autistic and ADD children is tartaric acid. One
the first autistic child's treated this way dropped
little boy with autism every day produced almost
to about half after a month, to normal a little later
the twelve grams of tartaric acid reported to be
and after two months to nearly zero. It often
lethal to humans. I also found it later in patients
turns out that the antifungal medication has to be
having a disorder called fibril myalgia with
continued for a while to prevent relapse. The
symptoms of chronic fatigue and extreme muscle
patients apparently have weakened immune
weakness. But no one could tell me where the
tartaric acid came from in these children. It is not
The species of intestinal yeast involved is
manufactured in the human body, and there is no
probably sacryomycies seravisci, the same yeast
evidence that any mammals produce it.
you bake with in your kitchen. There are two
Malic acid, a very similar compound, is strains of it, one used in baking and one in wine
produced and used in the body in key chemical
and beer making, but they are essentially the
processes. Tartaric acid is almost identical but
same thing, and under the right conditions both
has an extra OH radical on it. When in the body
can produce tartaric acid. Some aids patients
it performs as what is called an "analog." It is so
have been found to have it systematically, that is
similar to malic acid that the body attempts to use
throughout their body, and some cases of vaginal
it metabolically. But then the pathways that
infection are from sacryomycies seravisci.
normally utilize malic acid become blocked and
There are an estimated 500 kinds and a 10
dysfunctional because of the presence of tartaric
to 100 million total count of one-celled
acid and its abnormal chemical reactivity.
microorganisms in the normal human gut. In
Commercially tartaric acid is a byproduct
some people the number of bacterial cells is
of the wine industry. It is a sediment that
nearly the same as the number of human cells in
accumulates during the yeast fermentation
their body. The bacterial cells are smaller but
process. It's found naturally in grapes, grape
none-the-less metabolically quite active and
juice and grape jelly and plain grapes and is also
producing lots of unusual things. Taking oral
a food additive in a lot of the carbonated drinks
antibiotics can wipe out 80 % of them, this
and any grape or lime flavored beverages. It is in
leaving the resistant bacteria and all the yeasts.
some brands of baking soda. The FDA calls it an
In one study on animals oral penicillin was found
acidulate and lists it as GRAS (generally
to reduce the bacterial count by a factor of 1000,
recognized as safe), so food ingredient may just
especially the beneficial lactobacilli bacteria. The
list it as flavoring. The household product cream
presence of harmful bacteria on the other hand
of tarter is pure tartaric acid.
was found to increase by a factor of 1000 above
Tartaric acid is not produced by Candida,
the normal balance and in these test animals and
the main yeast that has been of concern in the gut,
in many cases actually to move out of the gut into
but its abnormal presence in so many of these
the lymph nodes in response to the penicillin
autistic patients suggested that anti-fungal
medication might be a good thing to try. Nystatin
Most of my work has been done with
was used because it is retained in the gut rather
autistic patients, but exactly the same kinds
than being absorbed systematically like Dyflucan
anomalies are involved in ADD/ADHD. The
or Nizoral. The tartaric acid level in the urine of
median values of abnormal compounds in the
p.2 Shaw, FAUS 6/27/97
mass spectrographic urine analysis of ADD/
begets likelihood of further infection in the
ADHD patients is usually up by a factor of two to
three. For tartaric acid the median factor is three.
It appears to me that oral antibiotics are
High yeast compounds show up in 80-90 % of
probably the leading cause of child
ADD/ADHD children sometimes with individual
developmental disorders. Injectable antibiotics
compound factors twenty times normal. Those
were used initially during and after World War II.
negative for yeast typically show other factors
They have minimal effect on michroorganisms in
like adiphic acid. Nine major studies have now
the gut. In 1950 the use of oral antibiotics was
shown that children with ADD/ADHD have a
minuscule. Widespread use started in 1957 and
statistically high correlation with frequent use of
then sky rocketed. And over the same time frame
oral antibiotics in their early infant years. (The
there has been explosive use of oral antibiotics in
authors of those reports were unaware of the
animals as well. The FDA requires removal of
yeast connection and typically concluded that the
antibiotics prior to slaughter of animals used for
causal factor was something like a hearing
meat, but residues from the abnormal
deficiency change due to many ear infections.)
michroorganisms persists in our food supply.
ADD, ADHD, PDD and autism are a
Statistics of many types are given in my
spectrum of disorders beginning with mild
book to appear this fall. In one practice only 1 %
exposure to adverse chemicals causing mild
of treated children under 3 had autism during
learning disabilities as in ADD and progressing as
1965-69 , but the number rose to 17 % during
the biochemical abnormalities become more
1994-95. Some of this must be due to increase in
severe to autism and even occasionally psychosis.
education and awareness, but some of this is
An analogy is carbon monoxide poisoning. A
undoubtedly a real increase. Ear infections and
small amount in the blood is easily tolerated. We
the use of antibiotics for treatment have also
all have some because we drive cars. But with
increased dramatically, apparently with
carboxi-hemoglobin reaching 0.15 % nausea,
interlocking synergistic feedback. Many of the
head aches, blurry vision and depression begin to
autistic children in my clinic have had fifty
set in. Michroorganisms confined to the gut
incidents of ear infection before the age of five.
produce byproducts and toxins that circulate in the blood and are an integral part of our body's
The currently accepted medical view
biochemistry. What's important is the amount.
concerning metabolites from michroorganisms is
Just as with carbon monoxide, everyone has a
1) that these compounds are not produced in the
little tolerance for poison. Everyone has a little
metabolism of humans, 2) that they are inert, and
bit of the harmful compounds from intestinal
3) that they are not important. I think that this
michroorganisms, but ill health creeps in if the
view will change in a big way stimulating a huge
quantity passes a tolerable level. One of the
vested-interest commercial war by the year 2000.
known mechanisms for weakening of the immune
My working premise now is that normal
system, for instance, is fragmentation by gleo
development and function requires the
toxins of the DNA in white blood cells. These are
appropriate interaction of both human and
one of the compounds produced by yeasts and
microbial biochemical systems. Dysfunction in
most species of Candida. By this kind of
either leads to abnormal development of human
mechanism infection treated with oral antibiotics
p.3 Shaw, FAUS 6/27/97
potential. We need to be concerned about far
Books on the intestinal yeast problem include:
more than immediate disease-causing agents.
"Candida-Related Complex," by Christine
For the Feingold Association and the
Winderlin (Taylor Pub., 1996); and the older
dietary control of ADD/ADHD I recommend the
"The Yeast Syndrome," by F. P.
addition of an anti-yeast diet including low use of
Trobridge & M. Walker (Bantam Books, 1986
refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, and few
"The Yeast Connection" by W. G.
yeast products as described in the book by Dr.
Crook (Vintage, 1983); and the original
William Crook. A few months of prescription
Missing Diagnosis," by C. Orian Truss (The
anti-fungicide may also be needed. A systemic
Missing Diagnosis Inc, 1982). Truss and the
drug like Dyflucan may sometimes be needed
older books describe asceldehyde syndrome and
instead of or in addition to Nystatin which treats
"pickeling" of neurotransmitters, immune
the intestine. Retesting can meter the progress.
system components, tissues including nerve
There are at least a dozen non-prescription anti-
fibers, etc.), but predate Dyflucan and
fungal products as well such as aprilic acid,
awareness of additional factors like leaky gut
deodorized garlic, pau darco and others. Before
syndrome, the opiate effects of partially
and after testing of urine samples in my
digested proteins, enzyme damage or adverse
laboratory show that they work. They can't be
synaptic function with altered pH.
advertised as such so just ask at a health-food
Initial awareness of a wide range of symptoms
associated with food allergy (and addiction), chemical sensitvities that are now often atributed to side effects from intestinal yeasts,
comes from the clinical ecologists of the 1940's and late 30's. There are many books from this era such as
"Human Ecology and Susceptibility
Reviewer's Notes:
to the Chemical Environment," by Theron G. Randolph (Charles C. Thornes Publishers, 1952,
A more technically complete talk was given by
hdbk, medical) and
"An Alternative Approach to
Shaw a year later at the autism conference in
Allergies," T. G. Randolph and R. W. Ross,
England. His book is titled "Biological
(Bantam Books, 1986, easy reading). What is
Treatments for Autism and PDD," 1998,
now called ADD/ADHD, manic-depressive and
available at The Great Planes Laboratory, 9335
the like can be seen as tabulated in a spectrum
West 75th St., Overland Park, Kansas 66204,
of cerebral and other disorders on a rating scale
from -4 to +4 on page 38 of these observations
The type of chemical analyses reports provided
from the ‘40s.
with chemical testing at Dr. Shaw's laboratory
(The stool by dry weight is 60 %
include: bacterial compounds, yeast and fungal
compounds, Krebs cycle, adiphic acid and several of the food additive compounds, hydroxi hypuric sylicelate byproduct…
p.4 Shaw, FAUS 6/27/97
Source: http://hwww.takken.us/ADHDBasics/ref/Shaw1997FAUS.pdf
Original article Epidemiological Studies on Strongyloides stercoralis at Dilla District, Ethiopia Feleke Eriso Parasitologist, Department of Biology, Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia Corresponding Author Background and study aim: Some Results: In the study a total of 710 student Feleke Eriso
D O S S I E RL A NUIT À L'HÔPITALDu soir au petit jour en compagnie des professionnels de l'HNE L'HNE PArMI LES PrEMIErS HÔPITAUx SUISSES à ObTENIr L'ACCréDITATION ErASDepuis octobre 2012, l'HNE applique le programme ErAS de prise en charge des patients chirurgicaux pour ses interventions dans le domaine de la chirurgie colorectale. Ce programme permet de réduire la durée de séjour hospitalier et les complications postopératoires. Après six mois de pratique, l'Hôpital neuchâtelois vient d'obtenir l'accréditation. Cette approche implique de grands changements, puisque le patient devient partenaire actif de sa prise en charge.