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IMC-Jordan started the technical preparations
to host the annual conference of the Interna-tional Council of Management Consulting Insti-tutes (ICMCI) slated next September. Participants from 48 different countries are ex-pected, as the Conference will be an important working meeting for all to attend. A good por-tion of the agenda will be devoted to the ICMCI Breakthrough Strategy Initiative to sharpen its direction and determine the next steps. Another focus is the professional Standards Committee offerings to the national institutes in the form of guidelines that promote excellence in the con-sulting profession. Gathering motivated individuals together will be an excellent networking opportunity, as we will be hosting more than 100 participants from 48 eastern and western countries, and this re-quires an ample amount of preparation. In light of the technical and logistic preparations for this event; we signed several collabora-tion agreements with specialized facilitators to insure efficiency and full coverage of all conference aspects. Realizing the need for developing our media gateway to cover the conference effec- tively in local and regional media, we signed a collaboration agreement with PR Launchers, by which the later manages all our media communications. Another agreement with BC Grafix was also signed, by which the later designs and develops all the printing, advertising, and electronic material concerning the conference. A logistics collaboration agreement with Dahlan Travel and Tours was also signed to enable Dahlan to handle the accommodations and trips preparations for the upcom-ing conference. Added to those agreements, we also signed another agreement with our freelance website administrators; Mr. Abdel Elah Madi and Mr. Tamer Malas, to handle all website updates mainly the conference online registration. We hope these agreements, which fall under our technical preparations, will facili- tate the tasks of the ICMCI ExCom in running the 2010 Annual Conference, and guarantee smoothness of procedures for all participants. Eventually the conference would be added to our list of achievements towards fulfilling our mission and materi-alizing our vision.
As a part of our project titled "Realizing a Member's Need Assessment", which
was funded by the European Union in cooperation with Jordan Enterprise Devel-
opment Corporation, we held three different focus group sessions for the purpose
of upgrading our services and thereof introducing new ones to better fit the needs
of our members.
The sessions were held in January and attended by 20 mem-bers, for the purpose of assisting IMC-Jordan in validating the findings of the previously conducted survey, and prioritizing them to guarantee they match member expectations . The sessions were moderated by Dr. Brian Ing, the Immediate past Chair of ICMCI, and the outcome offered us a clearer vision on our members' needs, a services plan for the coming three years, and how we can upgrade our services to match our members' needs and expectations in the future. The new services announcement was launched in a workshop held on Feb 3rd titled "IMC-Jordan Services: Times Have Changed, So Have We!" The launch included a presentation by Dr. Ing detailing the procedures taken towards realizing the services, as well as the plans for implementing them in the up- coming three years. The session was attended by our members in addition to rep-resentatives from the Ministry of Public Sector Development, Ministry of Planning, and The Amman Chamber of Commerce. The suggested services will include: developing a classification scheme for train-ers, seeking a value added e-source of knowledge that can be available to mem-bers, and producing the best practice guide for clients and consultants on the use of management consultancy, as short term goals. Medium term goals were also identified, those will include: extending the lobbying function with government, business and public administration associations and donor agencies, in addition to introducing a certification scheme for trainers, and to devise and implement a classification scheme for management consultants. Washington — The 2009 Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit included some
of the world's top business and government leaders to discuss the event's theme: Betting on the Future. Jordan's Tamara Abdel-Jaber joined former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, billionaire investor Warren Buffet, Yahoo chief executive Carol Bartz and Xerox chief executive Ursula Burns at the three-day event held in San Diego, For her part at the summit, Abdel-Jaber participated in the panel titled "Global Connections: Extraordinary Mentees Help us Navigate the Developing World." The panel addressed challenges faced by leaders and entrepreneurs in develop- ing countries, especially women. It turns out that Abdel-Jaber is well-qualified to speak on such a panel. Abdel-Jaber is a co-founder and an executive board member of business and in- formation technology consulting firm Palma. She oversees strategy, corporate governance, performance management and business development. in Washington April 26–27 in recognition of her role in sparking business innovation in Jordan. Founded in 1997, Amman-based Palma delivers strategic management business consulting services to large and medium organizations in Arab countries includ- ing Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Libya, Sudan and Qatar. Palma con- tinues to see major growth in its long-term relationships with worldwide compa- nies IDS Scheer, Oracle and SAP. With more than 10 years of experience in leading an entrepreneurial start-up in Jordan, Abdel-Jaber added a lot to the Fortune panel. "Ms. Abdel-Jaber emphasized that investors should do their homework in terms of understanding the local culture, history, customs and religion, to realize suc- cessful investment," said an Institute of Management Consultants and Trainers (IMC) press release about Abdel-Jaber's panel contribution. Abdel-Jaber is an elected member of the Jordan-based IMC, an organization dedicated to upgrading management consulting and training. Leading up to the Fortune summit, Abdel-Jaber took part in the 2009 . The annual pro- gram gathered 32 young women from 23 developing countries to shadow American women leaders. Abdel-Jaber is active in empowering future generations of Arabs and Jordani- As a member of Young Arab Leaders, Abdel-Jaber is helping to promote a more positive future for the region. Young Arab Leaders is a Dubai-based organization with a mandate to spread dynamic leadership values and foster future Arab leaders to contribute to regional development. Abdel-Jaber is also empowering women business professionals as a member of Amman's Business and Professional Women's Association. Abdel-Jaber played a role in founding Palma Acad- emy in 2005. The academy works with business leaders to offer certification programs in project management, business process re-engineering and the Six Sigma management strategy. "We are building this academy because we care about our clients' success and we listen to them," Abdel-Jaber told This article is part of a series on delegates to the April 26–27 Presidential Sum- mit on Entrepreneurship. By M. Scott Bortot—Staff Writer In cooperation between UNIDO headquarter in Vienna / Austria and our full mem-
ber Arab Consultants for Financial Services, our Board member Mr. Emad Eddin
Sabe El-Eish participated in two Basic and Advanced COMFAR III Experts training
workshops which took place in Vienna between 12 - 23rd April 2010.
The Basic COMFAR III discussed UNIDO's methodology on project preparation and appraisal, the graphical user interface and definition of time structure, planning ho-rizons, products or services, nominal capacities, sales and production programs. It also dealt with currencies and exchange rates and discounting methods. Moreover the workshop enhanced the skills of the participants in the calculation process of fixed investment costs, production costs, working capital requirements and the standard cost and cost adjustment concept. Basic COMFAR III workshop also covered the project options in terms of its legal identification as a joint venture and expansion / rehabilitation projects, cost cen-ters, cost allocation, inflation and escalation. It addressed the financial analysis is-sues, as well as the required finance. Finally the workshop deeply discussed the definition, usefulness and preparation of the project financial statements such as the project statements of income, balance sheet and cash flow including the calculation of IRR, NPV, normal and dynamic payback and break-even point analysis. It also discussed the sensitivity and incre-mental analysis. The second workshop dealt with more advanced subjects such as UNIDO's method-
ology on Economic cost-benefit analysis, the rationale between the difference in
the commercial vs. national profitability and the related module in COMFAR III Ex-
- Economic appraisal and shadow pricing
- Value added approach
- Indirect effects (merits, demerits)
- Net foreign exchange exchange effects
- Employment effects. 
The workshops were concluded by signing an agreement between Arab Consult-
ants for Financial Services and UNIDO to promote its COMFAR III software in the
region. The agreement also included that Arab Consultants are entitled to deliver
training as well as promoting COMFAR financial analysis products in Jordan and the
Arab world.                                            
MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS, USA (MARCH 1, 2010) — Utopia, Inc. a global leader in
enterprise data lifecycle management (EDLM) solutions, announced today the
appointment of Hani J. Obeid as their managing director for Southeast Europe
and Middle East (SEEME). Obeid has a rich background in general management,
sales, strategic management consulting, technology, and ecommerce globally.
Obeid began his career as a senior management consultant for Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, moving on to be a senior solutions program manager for a global B2B e-commerce company and then a principal consultant for a global management consulting firm. Obeid has a deep understanding of the EDLM business from working on projects requiring data mapping, business process improvements, data governance, "as-is" scenarios, and implementation of best practices. "We are very pleased to welcome Hani to our management team and look for-ward to his solid leadership," said Arvind J. Singh, president & CEO of Utopia. "Hani has a proven track record as a strategic leader with exceptional first-hand knowledge of the data business. Our customers today want reliable information from their applications in order to drive better business results and reduced ex-penses". Singh added "the SEEME region is a very strategic market for us and we know Hani will be working closely with our customers and partners to drive further growth in the region". "I am excited to join a world class global team who is passionate about helping customers optimize their existing technology investments through improved de-cision making," said Obeid. "Utopia solves an age-old problem around data qual-ity and offers perhaps one of the most robust and comprehensive solutions I have ever seen. The uniqueness comes from combining people, process, and technology with a "lifecycle" management approach to data. Utopia has an im-pressive list of customers in the region and an unmatched reputation for deliver-ing quality work on time and on budget." ABOUT UTOPIA, INC.
Utopia, Inc. is a global services and consulting firm focused exclu-
sively on enterprise data. Utopia's solutions help customers mi-
grate and transform data for ERP Go-Lives, BI/BW projects, M&A,
and other strategic initiatives. The company's offerings include
data assessments, data strategy, data migration, data quality,
and data governance ser vices.
Arab Bridge Maritime Company is the outcome of the significant joint venture between the governments of Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. Arab Bridge Maritime (AB Maritime) was founded in November 1985 with a paid-up capital of $ 6 million distributed equally between the three partner governments. The capital was in-creased several times to become $ 18 million in 2004, $ 30 million in 2006, $ 40 million in 2007 and $ 59 million in 2008 . AB Maritime Company has assigned PKF Jordan to render full spectrum of Finan-cial Advisory Services to support the Company Management in identifying the Financial Requirements of constructing a new Ferry Terminal in the Southern Port of Aqaba, determining the Optimal Capital Structure, formulating an effec-tive negotiation strategy for the BOT concession agreement, in addition to han-dling all required arrangement and documentation if the AB Maritime decides to raise external capital to finance the Project. PKF ProGroup and its affiliate in Libya, Horizons Development Studies and Con-sulting (HDSC), has been assigned by the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) to under-take the mission of assessing the Human Resources Management Practices for the Banking Sector in the Libyan market through conducting a Survey covering 50 organizations in Libya. The main objective of this assignment is to assess the following main HRM prac-tices which are: 1- Recruitment, 2- Salary Structure and Administration Process, 3- Incentive Scheme and Allowances, 4- Performance Appraisal, 5- Training and Development, 6- Career Path, 7- Employees' Benefits. The study was prepared for the Central Bank of Libya considering its role in su-pervising banks and other financial institutions and considering the role of mod-ernized and effective Human Resources Management Practices (HRMP). The study included the survey results as well as a GAP analysis and suggested rec-ommendations to ensure effective HRMP according to the market best practices. Under the patronage of his Excellency Dr. Umyyah Toukan, Governor of the Cen-
tral Bank, Deloitte & Touche in Jordan held a seminar on the new IFRSs. A num-
ber of Chairmen, general managers, financial officers in banks and other relevant
investment and regulatory organizations attended the seminar.
H.E. Dr. Toukan inaugurated the seminar with a speech about the economic cri-sis affecting all countries around the world, the learned lessons on how to de-velop financial and monetary policies and promote the implementation of rele-vant controls, pressures exercised by political and economical bodies in devel-oped countries on accounting standard setters in order to amend the financial in-strument assessment bases as per the market value and/or fair value through approving more traditional accounting policies. However, amendments made to IFRS (9) were inconsistent with the expectations as such changes generally pro-mote the use of the fair value basis. The Governor requested that the new stan-dards shall not be approved until thoroughly and carefully considered and that banks approve regulations that are in line with the application of the new poli-cies, which are based on business objectives and goals. Joseph Fadel, partner in-charge of the financial and banking practice in Deloitte M.E., said, "IFRSs are continuously changing according to changes in worldwide economies and are subject to amendments in order to provide an objective pres-entation of the financial statements based on transparency and governance. However, today's discussion is focused on the latest and proactive amendments on IFRSs related to financial instruments as a result of the recent economic crisis affecting all sectors in general and the financial and banking institutions in par-ticular". Karim Nabulsi, partner in-charge in Deloitte Jordan, added, "The application of these standards would enable the country to at-tract foreign investments to the market of Jordan. In addition, compliance with such standards has many positive impacts". At the end, Asem Haddad, partner in Deloitte, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to H.E. the Governor, the regulatory authorities and audience for their participation in the seminar. WaQtak Training Company concluded a specialized training for trainers During
March 2010 titled:"From Lecturing 2 Training"
The workshop focused on training the participants on 12 different methodologies used to make training more interactive and fun in transferring knowledge. This workshop covered around 50 different activities, icebreakers, and energiz-ers on several soft skills topics, to insure participants have all the tools needed for effective and fun training courses. Mr. Ahmad Al-Assad, trainer and manager of WaQtak, commented that "This workshop aimed at providing trainers in Jordan with the techniques and tools needed to help in delivering outstanding training workshops and convert rigid information to fun interactive activities." The post-evaluation showed that the workshop exceeded the expectations of 88% of the partici-pants. WaQtak Training Company was established in 2008 with an objective of training success skills at work. Currently WaQtak is preparing a second specialized workshop titled: "From Temporary 2 Timeless outcomes: Making Training Stick" For more information about upcoming events, con- IMC-Jordan received a thank you note from its full member Eng. Mohammad
Sartawy. Eng. Sartawy's note was well received and greatly appreciated, as he
thanked the IMC-Jordan team for the continuous support offered to all of our
members, where he said "I would like to extend my deep thanks and apprecia-
tion for the great efforts you all do for us… keep going and we will be supportive
whenever you need us".
We at IMC-Jordan will always do our utmost to serve all of our members to the best of our means. Based on an academic research conducted on a group of consultants in Jor-
dan, "Project Stakeholders" were found among the most elements to impact
the motivation of Consultants in a project environment.
"Communication" was found the second environmental element while the "Organizational Culture" of the consulting firm was ranked the third element. Surprisingly, "Rewards & Incentives" were found among the least elements to impact motivation of Consultants, "Rewards & Incentives" were ranked sixth out of 8 project environmental elements examined by the research. Such results highlight the importance of leadership, team playing, and soft skills including emotional intelligence in consulting firms. Ranking of Environment Elements according to their impact on Motivation As a major part of our services portfolio to meet our mission, IMC-Jordan en-deavors to continuously provide updates on available opportunities to enable our members to develop their careers, and increase their chances in the world of business. Those could be in the form of the Al-Rai daily newspaper an-nouncements, or through the requests received by the IMC-Jordan Executive office as a result of our networking and promotional activities. For the past 6 months, we managed to send 168 announcements, those in-cluded 49 business opportunities from Al-Rai daily newspaper; comprising of tenders, expressions of interest, and requests for proposals by governmental and non governmental entities, along with free lance consultants and trainers opportunities. 42 news items also found in Al-Rai daily newspaper were sent, those included announcements to attend seminars and workshops along with news items related to our members' activities and latest updates. As for the business opportunities generated from our networking and promo-tional activities, those added up to 26 covering requests for freelance trainers and freelance consultants, for opportunities inside and outside Jordan, added to that there were 51 announcements for IMC-Jordan workshops and events, members' workshops announcements, and members' newsletters. We hope our members are gaining from these opportunities, as their benefit will always be our motive. During the past 6 months, IMC-Jordan Executive office underwent several
changes related to our staff; Hanadi Khlifat joined our team to be the new
Membership coordinator, replacing Maram Qudah who became a new mum to
her baby Yasmin. On the other hand our Administrative and Public Relations co-
ordinator Eman Obaid will also be leaving us, this is due to the fact that she is
getting married next July and re-locating to Saudi Arabia with Mohammad.
Eman and Maram you will be truly missed. Hanadi, welcome on board, we wish you the best of luck. IMC-Jordan organized several workshops dur-
ing the past 6 months; the workshops were con-
ducted by members who are specialized trainers
in management related fields.
Through such workshops, IMC-Jordan meets its aim of developing the management consultancy and training sectors in Jordan, assist in raising awareness among the different business com-munities to follow international best practices and to maintain the code of ethics in managing their growth and developing their investments, as well as enlarging the insti-tute data base and increasing the possibility of having new members to join. IMC-Jordan held at its premises 4 training workshops since the beginning of 2010, those included topics like: Management Consulting: A Workshop for Professionals which was facilitated by Dr. Maqbouleh Hammoudeh, CMC, Pro-ject Feasibility Analysis and Evaluation Workshop, which was facilitated by Engineer Mohammad Sartawi, Human Resources Development "HRD" and Hu-man Resources Management "HRM" which were both facilitated by Mr. Raed Abu Alafia. Satisfaction of participants was apparent in the evaluation forms and the feedback. IMC-Jordan will continue to conduct such courses in light of its confidence that social and economic development is a national duty, and IMC-Jordan has an established belief that developing management consultancy and training will eventually lead to the increased development in various fields and busi-nesses.

would like to hereby extend its thanks to all the members who
collaborate with their association to materialize such an outstanding service.

The Institute of Management Consultants and Trainers / IMC-Jordan is partici-
pating in the "Partners in NGO Excellence" project; which was initiated in Janu-
ary 2010 and aims to strengthen the training service delivery and quality of
specialized training content offered by Jordanian non-governmental organiza-
tions (NGOs) to other NGOs while simultaneously building the institutional ca-
pacity of these training service providers.
The project is implemented by the Academy for Educational Development's Jor-dan Civil Society Program and funded by the United States Agency for Interna-tional Development (USAID/Jordan). Having qualified through the first phase of the project's structured four-phases, and as part of completing the required criteria to qualify through its second phase, three of IMC-Jordan members Mr. Mohammad Sartawi (Subject for certi-fication: Financial Management), Mr. Ra'ed Abu Al Afia and Mr. Laith Tseganoff (Subject for certification: Organizational Development/Human Resources Man-agement) were short listed to attend Module 1 "Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: An Introduction to Dialogue Education" of a customized training of train-ers program (TOT) to upgrade their training skills. The training was conducted by Global Learning Partners between the periods of April 25th – 29th and May 2nd – 6th, 2010. In addition to completing its own criteria, IMC-Jordan members are expected to attend further training modules to be held in July and October, 2010. Upon the successful completion of all the required criteria IMC-Jordan will be CSP certified while its trainers will become Certified Dialogue Education Practitioners (CDEP). IMC-Jordan executive office underwent a training session held at the institute
premises on Wednesday 30th of December 2009, the session was part of the
(Developing a Member Needs Assessment) project, and was delivered by our full
member Ms. Rula Zein-Iddin.
Attending such a session was important to IMC-Jordan staff, as understanding the methodology Ms. Zein-Iddin followed in her analysis during writing the pro-ject report would assist them in updating the results and findings in-house whenever needed. Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) in cooperation with IMC-
Jordan held a private sector policy focus group attended by corporate members of
IMC-Jordan on Wednesday the 14th of April, 2010. The workshop was a brain-
storming session between representatives from the Government and Private Con-
sulting Companies, all aiming to better regulate the services sector with a focus
on management consultancy. This will contribute towards producing concrete pol-
icy recommendations for the consultancy and training services sector (legal and
regulatory framework, business environment, competition…).
Benefiting from the Quick Response action which was launched last year through JEDCO/JSMP, and after IMC-Jordan's final feedback on the conducted needs as-sessment survey and focus groups; the policy workshops are considered an inter-pretation of these assessments. One of the main objectives of the event was to discuss and substantiate 2-3 policy recommendations on what the consulting private sector wishes from the public sector in order to enhance its business environment. Other topics included regis-tration and licensing issues of companies, their classification and legislative frame work needed to steer the management consulting businesses and all the chal-lenges in these areas including lack of recognition of this sector in terms of num-ber of companies and their contribution to the GDP. This policy workshop was the first of many to tackle the course of action that should be taken by governmental entities in coordination with the private sector concerning regulatory measures, laws and funding priorities. On the long run it will also include the decision making and analysis of governmental decisions re-lated to the proposed sectoral issues. The workshop was moderated by Mr. Luis Abu Ghattas and attended by 20 partici-pants, comprising of IMC-Jordan corporate members along with representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Chamber of Commerce. IMC-Jordan, established in 1995, is a private Al Madina Al Monawara street. not-for-profit association concerned with or- Toys lands building, number 241 ganizing and upgrading the management consulting and training professions, Training of management consultants and certifying Phone:+962 6 5530856
Fax: +
962 6 5530858
eligible members to the Certified Manage- E-mail: [email protected]
ment Consultant (CMC) designation. By join-
ing ICMCI, IMC-Jordan got recognition for its
CMC certification program.

We are on the web To achieve excellence in management con-sulting and training for the best interest of its clients, consultants and trainers in order
to contribute to the development of
Jordanian economy.
• The chance to have well estab- IMC-Jordan is a private not-for-profit profes- lished links / relationships with lo- sional association that aims to effectively cal and foreign agencies along with represent, promote, and advance the Jorda- a well considered reputation and nian management consulting profession and training professionals to the best interest of • The only place to gain your (CMC) their clients in Jordan and abroad, through certification, being the only inter- various activities including certification pro- nationally accredited IMC in the grams, training, networking, regulating, es- tablishing standards, guidance and creating • A place where distinguished, nota- ble and diversely experienced members interact. Therefore, by joining us, you will gain Financial resources of IMC-Jordan consist local, national and international recog- primarily of membership and subscription nition and exposure, as IMC-Jordan is fees, donations, grants and assistance in ac- recognized as a significant national cordance with the law, in addition to other institute and is the only member of resources approved by the Board of Direc- ICMCI in the Arab world.


Bulletin 138 - anori

Association Nationale des Réservistes de l'Infanterie Bulletin de liaison n°138 2ème Trimestre 2010 Des statuts plus ouverts pour encore mieux servir l'Infanterie et la Défense Lors de l'assemblée générale 2010, l'Association Nationale des Réservistes de l'Infanterie a modifié ses statuts pour s'adapter aux réalités de la vie associative actuelle et en particulier dans le domaine de la défense. Tout en conservant les buts indissociables de l'ANORI tout au long de son histoire, l'Association accentue ses fonctions d'intérêt général, notamment en ce qui concerne la promotion de l'esprit de défense, l'entretien du lien Armée-Nation et l'information des citoyens et des réservistes. Son rôle dans les relations entre les associations de l'Infanterie et dans les actions de Mémoire, de Traditions, de soutien au Musée de l'Infanterie et aux salles d'honneur est spécifiquement affirmé. L'ANORI ouvre désormais ses rangs, dans la catégorie des membres associés, à des non fantassins qui s'intéressent à l'Infanterie et désirent soutenir et participer aux actions de l'Association. Les Fantassins auront à guider et à montrer l'exemple à ces futurs nouveaux membres associés, ces Amis de l'Infanterie, qu'ils doivent d'ores et déjà s'attacher à recruter. L'ANORI était déjà bien plus qu'une association de réservistes. Avec ces nouveaux statuts, elle accroît son champ d'action et va prendre un nouvel essor au service de la Défense, de l'Infanterie et des Réserves. Nous sommes tous concernés par ce nouveau développement de notre Association, qui répond à un besoin national dans un but d'intérêt général. C'est une mission qui correspond parfaitement aux qualités et aux aptitudes des Fantassins que nous sommes. C'est ainsi que nous pourrons toujours mieux servir. De tout temps, l'Infanterie a personnifié la volonté de défense de la France, son refus de subir. Elle a toujours été un exemple de dévouement, d'abnégation et d'héroïsme. C'est à nous de nous montrer dignes de nos Anciens qui ont tracé le sillon et en mémoire desquels nous ne devons pas faillir. Comme toujours, il faut progresser, aller de l'avant, innover. C'est ainsi que se prépare et se construit l'avenir. Nous savons répondre « présent ! » et nous serons au premier rang pour servir, fidèles à notre devise :

Das St. Johann ist in einem beispiellosen Umbruch. Seit zehn Jahren beeinträch- tigen Baustellen, Lärm und Absperrungen das Quartierleben. Die Hoffnungen vieler, die unter den massiven Beeinträchtigungen der Wohnqualität während all dieser Jahre leiden mussten, werden enttäuscht: nach Abschluss der Bauarbeiten gibt es für sie hier keinen Platz mehr. Wenn Stadtplaner_innen über die „ungebrochene Dynamik in Basel Nord"

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