Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Solomon P. WasserInstitute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel
and locust (Quercus, Acer, Alnus, Betula, Castanea,Coryolus, Fagus, Fraxinus, Populus, Pyrus, Magnolia,
Ganoderma lucidum (reishi mushroom, Ling Zhi) has
Tilia). G. lucidum is less frequently found on conifer-
been an economically important species, particularly
ous trees (e.g., Larix, Picea, Pinus) in Europe, Asia,
in the Far East countries (China, Japan, Korea, etc.),
and North and South America (in temperate rather
for over 4000 years. It is widely grown on a commercial
than subtropical regions). In the Orient, it grows pri-
scale and is commonly purchased for its medicinal and
marily on plum trees. It is also found on stumps,
generally near the soil surface, and occasionally onsoils arising from buried roots.
In Latin, lucidum means shiny or brilliant and aptly
The mushroom is too tough to be edible.
describes this mushroom's fruiting body, which has amodeled, sculptured, varnished appearance. The Chi-
nese and Koreans know it as Ling Zhi (mushroom of
herb and immortality), whereas the Japanese call thismushroom reishi or mannentake (10,000 year mush-
Ling Zhi encompasses several Ganoderma species,
room). The virtues of G. lucidum extracts, handed
which are widely used for medicinal purposes, e.g.,
down from generation to generation, include it as a
G. lucidum, G. luteum Steyaert, G. atrum Zhao, Xu
‘‘cancer cure'' and a symbol of happy augury, good
and Zhang, G. tsugae Murrill, G. applanatum (Pers.:
fortune, good health, longevity, and even immortality.
Wallr.) Pat., G. australe (Fr.) Pat., G. capense (Lloyd)
Beginning with the Yuan Dynasty (1280–1368 A.D.),
Teng, G. tropicum (Jungh.) Bres., G. tenue Zhao, Xu
G. lucidum has been endlessly represented in art—in
and Zhang, and G. sinense Zhao, Xu and Zhang.
paintings, carvings of jade and deer's antlers, furniture
According to two famous Chinese plant medical
and carpet designs, balustrades, jewelry, women's hair
books, Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (25–220 A.D., Eastern
combs, perfume bottles—in short, wherever an artistic
Han Dynasty) and Ben Cao Gang Mil by Li Shi-Zhen
urge found an outlet. The earliest mention of Ling Zhi
(1590 A.D., Ming Dynasty), six Ling Zhi species=
was in the era of the first emperor of China, Shing-
varieties were known in China at that time. World-
huang of the Ch'in Dynasty (221–207 B.C.). Subse-
wide, more than 250 Ganoderma species have been
quently, depictions of this fungus proliferated through
described.[2,3] However, in therapeutic practices and
Chinese literature and art. The mushroom is known
literature citations, Ganoderma usually refers to the
by many in North America and Europe as one of
species of G. lucidum.
the ‘‘artist's conk'' fungi (the true artist conk is
Besides being treasured for its medicinal value in
China for more than 1000 yr, the lack of availability
A detailed description of the reishi mushroom and
of G. lucidum was also largely responsible for it being
its taxonomy can be found in Refs.[3,10] (Fig. 1).
so highly cherished and expensive. During ancienttimes in China, any person who picked the mushroom
from the natural environment and presented it to ahigh-ranking official was usually well rewarded. Even
This annual mushroom grows on a wide variety of
in the early 1950s, it was presented to Chinese leaders
dead or dying trees, e.g., deciduous trees especially
in Mainland China and Taiwan, following the occa-
oak, maple, elm, willow, sweet gum, magnolia,
sional discovery in the wild. In the past, G. lucidumgrew in small quantities only in the wild; therefore, itwas very expensive.
Artificial cultivation of this valuable mushroom
Solomon P. Wasser is at the Institute of Evolution, University of
Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel.
was successfully achieved in the early 1970s, and since
Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements DOI: 10.1081/E-EDS-120022119Copyright # 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All rights reserved.
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
, nephritis, hypertension, arthritis,neurasthenia, insomnia, bronchitis, asthma, and gastriculcers.[6,8–11] In China, G. lucidum has been cherishedfor over 4000 yr as a longevity-promoting tonic.[6]According to Hikino,[12] ‘‘the most important elixirsin the Orient'' are ginseng (Paxax ginseng C.A. Meyer)and the fruit bodies of G. lucidum.
Fascination with Ganoderma began under the name
of ling chih, later transliterated to reishi in Japanese.
The fungus first appeared in Chinese literature duringthe Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–220 A.D.). Emperor Wuassociated growth of the fungus in an inner chamberof the Imperial Palace with a plant of immorality—known simply as the chih plant or chih fungus.[1]The Han Dynasty chronicler, Pan Ku, wrote a poemusing the term ling chih.[1] However, the associationbetween the original chih fungus and G. lucidum hadclearly derived from legends of an earlier mysteriouschih fungus or chih plant of immortality recorded inIndia. Indeed, versions of Indian legends concerningthis mushroom are found later, in almost identicalform in the Chinese literature, in reference to whatwould be ling chih (reishi), while the identity of thetrue chih plant or fungus of immortality remains indispute.[1] In addition to its medicinal properties, reishihas been used in the Orient as a talisman to protect aperson or home against evil.[6]
Medicinal uses of G. lucidum in ancient Far East
countries included the treatment of neurasthenia,debility from prolonged illness, insomnia, anorexia,dizziness,
disease, hypertension, prevention of altitude sickness,
Fig. 1 Ganoderma lucidum: (a) fruit body, (b) spores.
treatment of ‘‘deficiency fatigue,'' carcinoma, andbronchial cough in the elderly.[3,6,7,9–11] Chineseresearch during the past decade has focused on much
1980, production of G. lucidum has developed
the same uses, whether in the fields of antiaging=life
rapidly, particularly in China. The process of produ-
cing G. lucidum fruiting bodies is the same as for
chronic viral hepatitis, male sexual dysfunction,
other cultivated edible mushrooms and can be divided
hypercholesterolemia, immunological function in the
into two major stages. The first involves the prepara-
tion of the fruiting culture, stock culture, mother
induced immunosuppression, anticarcinogenic and
spawn, and planting spawn, while the second entails
antitumor activity, and immunostimulation.[6,8,13–18,55]
the preparation of growth substrates for mushroom
Different types of G. lucidum, according to Traditional
cultivation. Currently, the methods most widely
Chinese Medicine (TCM), have different tastes and
adopted for commercial production are the wood
thus affect different organs. Based on their color, six
log, short wood segment, tree stump, sawdust bag,
different types of G. lucidum have been classified,[19]
and bottle procedures (for cultivation details, see
each with different uses (Table 1).
General Nutritional Components ofGanoderma lucidum
G. lucidum contains mainly protein, fat, carbohydrate,
G. lucidum has been used in folk medicine of China
and fiber. Artificially cultivated variety has similar
and Japan, especially in the treatment of hepatopathy,
contents of nutritional components compared with
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
The six types of reishi
Improves eyesight and liver function; calms nerves
Aids internal organs; improves memory; enhances vitality
Strengthens spleen function; calms the ‘‘spirit'' (shen)
Improves lung function; gives courage and strong will
Enhances function of ears, joints, muscles; helps complexion
aThe red-colored variety of G. lucidum is generally regarded as the most potent and medicinal.[19]
wild types, and the extraction significantly increases
spores also contain triterpene lactones,[21] and docu-
the amounts of crude protein and carbohydrates
mented triterpenoids have been divided into 10 groups
and deleted crude fiber. Mizuno[20] reported the
based on the structural similarities and known bio-
composition of G. lucidum extract (% of dry weight),
logical and medicinal properties (Fig. 2).
which consisted of folin-positive material (68.9%),glucose (11.1%), protein (7.3%), and metals (10.2%)(K, Mg, and Ca are the major components with Ge
489 mg=g). These results generally agree with those
reported by other authors.[4,5,10] However, there arequalitative and quantitative differences in the chemical
More than 100 types of polysaccharides have been
composition of G. lucidum products depending on the
isolated from the fruiting body, spores, and mycelia,
strain, origin, extracting process, and cultivation
or separated from the broth of a submerged liquid
culture of G. lucidum. Most have a molecular weightranging from 4 105 to 1 106 in the primarystructure. They comprise one of the major sources of
Major Bioactive Constituents
G. lucidum's pharmacologically active compounds.
G. lucidum polysaccharides such as b-D-glucans,
Over 300 reports have been published concerning
heteropolysaccharides, and glycoprotein have been
the chemical constituents of G. lucidum and related
isolated and characterized and are considered the
species. The fruiting body, mycelia, and spores of G.
major contributors of bioactivity of the mushroom.
lucidum contain approximately 400 different bioactive
b-D-glucans consist of a linear backbone of b-(1 ! 3)-
compounds, which mainly include triterpenoids, poly-
linked D-glucopyranosyl groups with varying degrees
saccharides, nucleotides, sterols, steroids, fatty acids,
of branching from the C6 position. In addition to
proteins=peptides, and trace elements.[11,16,20,21,55]
water-soluble b-D-glucans, b-D-glucans also exist withheteropolysaccharide chains of xylose, mannose, galac-tose, uronic acid, and b-D-glucans–protein complexes
that are present at 10–50% in dry G. lucidum.[16,24–26]Some protein-bound polysaccharides and fucose-
containing glycoprotein with bioactivity have beenisolated.[18,27,28]
At least 140 different triterpenes have been identified inG. lucidum.[3,6,10,11,20,21] The majority are bitter tastingand largely occur as ganoderic acid.[21] A new triterpe-
noid, named ganosporeric acid A, was recently isolatedfrom the ether-soluble fraction of the spores.[22] Min
Some proteins with bioactivity have also been isolated
et al.[23] reported the isolation of six new lanostane-
from G. lucidum. The LZ-8 is one such protein isolated
type triterpenes, and also from the spores (ganoderic
from G. lucidum, which was shown, by sequencing stu-
acids g, d, e, z, Z, and y). Preliminary studies indicate
dies, to be similar to the variable region of the immuno-
that the spores contain considerably higher contents
globulin heavy chain in its sequence and in its predicted
of ganoderic acids than other parts of the fungus and
secondary structure. Major biological activities of LZ-8
that triterpene composition of the fruit body varies
resemble those of lectins, with mitogenic capacity toward
according to the area in which it is grown.[22] The
mouse spleen cells and human peripheral lymphocytes
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Fig. 2 The lanostane-type triterpenoids of Ganoderma lucidum. These triterpenoids are divided into ten groups based onstructural similarity.
and agglutination of sheep red blood cells in vitro.
function as a potent suppressor of bovine serum
Neither was inhibited by the mono- or dimeric sugars
albumin-induced anaphylaxis in CFW mice in vitro.
examined, indicating that LZ-8 is not a lectin per se.
It appears to be related to an ancestral protein of the
It did not agglutinate human red blood cells but could
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Triterpenoids, such asganoderic acids T–Z isolated from G. lucidum, showed
Nucleotides and Nucleosides
cytotoxic activity in vitro on hepatoma cells.[31] Alanostanoid, 3b-hydroxyl-26-oxo-5a-lanosta-8,24-dien-
Nucleosides include adenosine and 5-deoxy-50 methyl-
11-one, and a steroid, ergosta-7,22-diene-3b,3a,9a-
triol, isolated from fruiting bodies of G. lucidum,demonstrated potent inhibitory effects on KB cellsand human PLC=PRF=5 cells in vitro.[32]
immune function is thought to be the major mechan-
Reishi also contains sterols, amino acids, soluble
ism of antitumor action by G. lucidum. Among the
proteins, oleic acid, cyclo-octasulfur, an ergosterol
responsible for the antitumor effect.[3,10,11,13,20,28,30]
This polysaccharide appears to act by binding to
leukocyte surfaces or serum-specific proteins leading
to activation of macrophages, T-helper, natural killer
(NK) and other effector cells.[33–35] All of these
Regarding the inorganic ions, the mushroom con-
increase the production of cytokines such as tumor
tains Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Ge. The spores
necrosis factor (TNF-a) interleukins (IL) and inter-
themselves contain choline, betaine, tetracosanoic acid,
feron (IFN), nitric oxide (NO), and antibodies by the
stearic acid, palmitic acid, ergosta-7, 22-dien-3-ol,
activated effector cells. Tumor regression in various
nonadecanoic acid, behenic acid, tetracosane, hentri-
animal models can be ascribed to vascular damage to
acontane, ergosterol, and b-sitosterol. One of the
tumor blood flow and necrosis caused by T cells and
lipids isolated from G. lucidum is pyrophosphatidic
local TNF-a production.
In addition to host defense potentiation, other
mechanisms are also involved in the antitumor effect.
A compound from G. lucidum suppressed the growthof K562 leukemic cells in a dose- and time-dependent
Preclinical and Clinical Studies
manner and induced their differentiation into moremature erythrocytic cells.[36] The conditioned medium
G. lucidum has been reported to have a number of
from PS-stimulated human blood mononuclear cells
pharmacological effects including immunomodulating,
(PSG-MNC-CM) significantly inhibited the growth
of U937 cells and induced their differentiation into
chemopreventive, antitumor, radioprotective, sleep-
mature monocytes=macrophages, which had functions
promoting, antibacterial, antiviral (including anti-HIV),
of phagocytosis and producing cytoplasmic super-
hypolipidemic, antifibrotic, hepatoprotective, diabetic,
oxide.[37] Inhibition of DNA polymerase and posttrans-
antioxidative and radical-scavenging, anti-aging, hypo-
lational modification of oncoproteins may contribute
glycemic, and anti-ulcer properties.[3,6,9–11,16,25,30,55]
to the antitumor activity of reishi.[38] The organic
Reishi has now become recognized as an alternative
germanium may also contribute to its antitumor
adjuvant in the treatment of leukemia, carcinoma,
activity.[39] The mechanisms for tumor prevention
hepatitis, and diabetes.[9–11,14–18,25,30,55] Clinical stu-
and antitumor effect of G. lucidum are shown in Fig. 3.
dies, to date, lack the controls needed to make a scien-
In clinical studies, G. lucidum products have been
tific assessment of its efficacy in a given application, a
widely used as a single agent or in combination with
situation expected to change with increasing interest
other herbal medicines or chemotherapeutic drugs for
from Western scientific communities. It was only
many years, mainly in Asian countries. However,
since the last decade that clinical trials on the use
randomized, placebo-controlled and multicancer clini-
of G. lucidum preparation used to treat cancer and
cal studies using reishi alone have rarely been reported.
other diseases have been reported in internationalpeer-reviewed journals.
Ganoderma lucidum as a Single Agent
In a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study,143
cancer were given an oral G. lucidum polysaccharide
and glycoproteins) isolated from G. lucidum demon-
extract (Ganopoly) of 1800 mg three times daily for
strated antitumor activity against Sarcoma 180 in
12 weeks.[16] Twenty-seven patients were not assessable
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Fig. 3 The mechanisms for the tumor preventive and antitumor effect of G. lucidum. Active constituents from G. lucidum mayoperate through several mechanisms including enhancement of detoxification of carcinogens (line 1), increased expression andactivity of Phase II enzymes (line 2), inhibition of organ exposure of carcinogens due to reduced absorption or increased excretion(line 3), decreased expression and activity of Phase I (e.g., CYPs) enzymes (line 4), decreased formation of toxic metabolites andadduct formation with macromolecules (line 5), enhanced host immune responses (e.g., activation of macrophages, T lymphocytes,and natural killers producing various cytokines such as TNF-a, IFNs, and ILs, which improve immunosurveillance and kill pre-neoplastic and cancer cells) (line 6), antioxidative and radical-scavenging effects (line 7), antipromotion effect (line 8),antiproliferation (line 9), apoptosis induction of tumor cells (line 10), induction of differentiation (line 11), direct cytotoxicity,induction of cell-cycle arrest, antiproliferation and modulation of signaling transduction molecules (line 12), antiprogressionand tumor growth inhibition (line 13), antimetastasis (line 14), and anti-angiogenesis (line 15).[16]
for response and toxicity, because they were lost in
of 143 cases (26.6%) had stable disease for 12 weeks
the follow-up or refused further therapy before the
or more (range: 12–50 weeks). There was no significant
12 weeks of treatment. Of the 100 fully assessable
change in the Functional Assessment of Cancer
patients, 46 (32.2%) had progressive disease before or
Therapy-General (FACT-G) scores in 85 assessable
at the 6-week evaluation point (range: 5 days–6 weeks).
patients. However, palliative effects on cancer-related
Sixteen subjects (11.2%) developed progressive dis-
symptoms, such as sweating and insomnia, have been
ease between 6 and 12 weeks of therapy. No objective
observed in many subjects. In the group with stable
(partial or complete) responses were observed, but 38
disease, FACT-G scores improved in 23 patients, were
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
unchanged in five, and declined in one.
contributors to the anticancer effect of
group, the median change from the baseline score to
G. lucidum, but other constituents, such as proteins,
the 6- and 12-week score was þ7.6 and þ10.3, both
also play a role (Fig. 4).[20] Several recently published
statistically significant (P < 0.05). For the 38 patients
reports have found that G. lucidum or G. lucidum-
with SD, the median change from the baseline score
containing herbal mixtures (PC-SPES) had biological
was 28.1 10.2 weeks. The prostate-specific antigen
activities (e.g., cancer biomarker alteration) and
(PSA) levels in the five prostate cancer patients were
beneficial effects (e.g., palliative effects in cancer
reduced significantly (P < 0.05) during SD. Ganopoly
patients) although striking objective responses were
was well tolerated with five moderate adverse events
not observed.[16,47]
recorded. The results indicate that Ganopoly may havean adjunct role in the treatment of patients withadvanced cancer although objective responses were
not observed in this study.
The chemo- and radiopreventive effect of G. lucidummay result from its effects on the immune system.
polysaccharides restored the TNF-a
Herbal Mixture: PC-SPES
production inhibited by cyclophosphamide to normallevels in mice. Both the G. lucidum extract and krestin
PC-SPES has been used as an alternative in the treat-
ment of prostate cancer.[47] Several clinical trials have
versicolor) were beneficially effective in the recovery
been completed with patients having advanced pros-
of cellular immunocompetence, measured by [3H]
tate cancer.[48,49] Small et al.[49] included 70 subjects
thymidine incorporation with splenic cells stimulated
with androgen-dependent (n ¼ 33) and androgen-
independent (n ¼ 37) disease, which was refractory
(PHA) and concanavalin A. The extract (400 mg=day=
to surgery, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy. Treat-
kg body weight) appears more effective than krestin
ment of PC-SPES at a dose of 3 capsules (320 mg=
(500 mg=day=kg body weight) in repairing the damage
capsule) orally resulted in 80% decrease in PSA levels
of subset T cells in the spleens of g-irradiated mice, as
in all 32 patients with androgen-dependent cancer,
the relative thymus weight and CD4 and CD8 spleno-
while it was undetectable in 26 patients (81%). The
cytes were higher in G. lucidum extract-treated mice
median duration of PSA response was 57 weeks. In
compared with krestin-treated mice.[16]
the 35 patients with androgen-independent cancer, 19
In morphine-dependent mice, a polysaccharide
(54%) had a PSA decrease of 50% with median dura-
peptide from G. lucidum could restore several immu-
tion of PSA response of 18 weeks. The study by Pfeifer
nologic parameters depressed by morphine treatment
et al.,[48] which included only 16 patients with andro-
to normal levels or even beyond.[40] Both c-myb and
gen-independent disease for just a 20-week follow-up,
c-myc mRNA expression in splenocytes of repetitive
showed an improvement in quality of life for the
morphine-treated mice was significantly decreased,
patients. PC-SPES was generally well tolerated by
and the polysaccharide peptide could induce the
prostate cancer patients, but they exhibited a dose-
expression of these genes indicating that the one from
dependent toxicity similar to that of diethylstilboes-
G. lucidum could be of a potential application in con-
trol.[49] Side effects include reduced libido, hot flashes,
trolling abuse of opiate-induced immunodeficiency.
diarrhea, dyspepsia, leg cramps, nipple tenderness, andgynecomastia.[48,49]
events are pulmonary emboli in 4–5% of patients and
deep vein thrombosis in 2% of patients. Overall, theclinical responses to PC-SPES compare favorably with
Triterpenoids of G. lucidum have been reported to
second-line hormonal therapy with agents, such as
exert various enzyme inhibitory activities. Inhibitors
estrogens and ketoconazole.[50] However, it must be
of farnesyl protein transferase (FTP) have been
noted that the adulteration of PC-SPES products has
demonstrated to inhibit Ras-dependent cell transfor-
become a serious problem. Further details may be
mation and thus represent a potential therapeutic
obtained at the website of the NIH National Center
strategy for the treatment of human cancers. Gano-
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at
deric acids A and C were identified to be inhibitors
of FTP.[41] Ergosterol peroxide, 5,8-epidioxy-5a, 8b-
In summary, animal studies have demonstrated
the antitumor activity of G. lucidum administered
reported to selectively enhance the inhibitory effect
by different routes at different stages of tumor
of linoleic acid on DNA polymerase-b, but not on
growth.[3,10,16,20] Polysaccharides and triterpenoids
the type a enzyme. Ergosterol peroxide itself was
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Fig. 4 Possible molecular targets of G. lucidum. G. lucidum constituents (e.g., b-D-glucan and triterpenoid) modulated Ras=Erk,c-myc, CREB protein and mitogen-activated protein kinases, which may provide an explanation for the cancer preventive andanticancer effect of G. lucidum.[16]
ineffective but completely blocked rat DNA poly-
merase-b in the presence of linoleic acid.[38] Inhibitorsof phospholipase A2(PLA2) can be developed as poten-
Extracts from G. lucidum (e.g., polysaccharide frac-
tial anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of
tions, methanolic extracts, and LZ-8) have mitogenic
rheumatic arthritis, asthma, and psoriasis. Ganoderic
effects on mouse splenocytes and human peripheral
acid T was found to inhibit secreted PLA2 from
blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the presence of
pig pancreas, human synovial fluid, and bee venom,
various immunostimulating or immunosuppressive
but no such effect was observed with ganoderic acids
agents (e.g., PHA and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-
AA, O, R, S, T-OH, and T-OH-H2.[16]
acetate).[42,43] Treatment of the PBMCs with cyclo-sporin A (CsA) led to blockage of the cell proliferation.
The methanolic fraction from G. lucidum recovered
the CsA-induced inhibition of the cell proliferation,which might be due to the inhibition of the protein
The immunomodulating effects of G. lucidum are
kinase C signal pathway and acceleration of the CsA
shown in Fig. 5.
signal pathway.
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Fig. 5 The immune-modulating effects of G. lucidum. The major immunomodulating effects of active substances derived fromG. lucidum include mitogenecity and activation of immune effector cells such as T lymphocytes, macrophages, and NK cellsleading to the production of cytokines including ILs, TNF-a, and IFNs. Other effects, such as inhibition of mast cells, activationof B lymphocytes, and the complement system have also been reported.[15]
Extracts from G. lucidum are potent activators of
T cells, inducing the production of a number of cyto-kines, in particular IL-2. In human PBMC (primarily
In vitro and in vivo studies in mice indicated that G. luci-
T cells) in vitro, the crude G. lucidum water extract
dum water extract stimulates the production of IL-2 by
splenocytes in the presence of hydrocortisone.[3,7,10,11]
IL-10 and TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-2.[43] Crude
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
polysaccharide fractions isolated from fresh
differentiated and apoptosis
bodies potentiated the release of IFN-g from human
inductive to the HL-60 and the U937 leukemic cells.[37]
T cells.[37] A polysaccharide fraction (GL-B) promoted
IFN-g and TNF-a released from macrophages act
the production of IL-2 in a dose-dependent manner
synergistically to inhibit the growth of leukemic cells
and markedly enhanced the cytotoxicity of cytotoxic
as shown by the antibody-neutralization studies.
T lymphocytes, which was increased by 100% at a
GLB7, a G. lucidum polysaccharide, decreased the
concentration of 200 mg=ml. GL-B also restored the
production of oxygen-free radicals and antagonized
mixed lymphocyte response to alloantigen, automatic
the respiratory burst induced by PMA in murine
proliferation, and IL-2 production of splenocytes in
peritoneal macrophages. These observations suggest
aged mice declined as compared with that in young
adult mice in vitro.
radicals in murine peritoneal macrophages plays an
LZ-8 is also a potent T-cell activator mediating its
important role in the anti-aging effect of G. lucidum
effects via cytokine regulation of integrin expression.
Stimulation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Ganoderan (GAN), a b-D-glucan isolated from
with LZ-8 resulted in the production of IL-2 and a
G. lucidum, enhanced the production of NO in the
corresponding upregulation of IL-2 receptor expres-
RAW 264.7 macrophages.[45] The ability of GANs to
sion.[44] In addition to T-cell proliferation, microscopic
produce NO was based on differences in the chemical
examination of LZ-8-stimulated peripheral blood lym-
composition of GANs obtained from the mycelium
phocytes revealed that LZ-8 induced cellular aggregate
on various carbon sources and mycelial fractionation.
formation. This formation correlated with a dramatic
The highest NO production was observed in the poly-
rise in ICAM-1 expression and an increased produc-
saccharide, which was extracted from the mycelial wall.
tion of IFN-g, TNF-a, and IL-1b, molecules associated
Partial removal of the protein in the extracellular GAN
with regulation of ICAM-1 expression. Both the aggre-
by TCA treatment did appreciably reduce its capacity
gate formation and the proliferative effects of LZ-8
to secrete NO. The cell proliferation of GAN-treated
were blocked by the addition of a monoclonal anti-
RAW 264.7 cell lines was inhibited compared to its
body to either CD18 or CD11a, the counter–receptor
control. Of the culture supernatant of macrophage
complex components for ICAM-1. Furthermore, addi-
activated by this glycan, the percentage of cytotoxicity
tion of neutralizing antibodies to both IL-2 receptor
against mouse leukemia L1210 cells was slightly depen-
and TNF-a blocked aggregate formation, cellular
dent on the amount of NO in the culture supernatants
proliferation, and ICAM-1 expression.
of the activated macrophages. These results indicatethat the b-glucan-related polysaccharides of the higherfungus activate macrophages and release NO, which is
Natural Killer (NK) Cells
an important chemical messenger for the induction ofmany biological responses.
A protein–polysaccharide fraction (GLB) from the
G. lucidum enhanced the cytotoxicity of splenic NK
growing tips of G. lucidum is a strong stimulator to
cells in tumor-bearing mice.[3,16,37]
the macrophages.[46] When analyzed using a flowcytometer, GLB (100 mg=ml) increased the phagocyticactivity of the BALB=c mouse peritoneal macrophages
as well as chicken macrophage BM2CL cells againstFITC-labeled Candida albicans by 55.2% and 21.2%,
Macrophages are responsible for killing pathogens in
respectively. It also enhanced the spreading and
the body. Activation of macrophages by substances
expression of MHC class II molecules of BM2CL cells
from G. lucidum results in the release of cytokines,
as well as the mouse peritoneal macrophages.
NO, and other mediators.[37,45] All of these responsesare associated with the antitumor, antimicrobial, andanti-inflammatory effects of G. lucidum.
Polysaccharides from G. lucidum, in particular
b-D-glucans, are potent stimulators of murine and
Some substances from G. lucidum can act on mast
human macrophages in vitro and in vivo.[37,45] CR3
cells. A water extract of the fruit body had inhibitory
receptors on macrophages are bound by b-D-glucans
activity on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast
and internalized, priming a series of molecular
cells, induced by compound 48=80 or antigen (egg
events. Crude water-extracted polysaccharides isolated
white albumin)-antibody reaction and on passive cuta-
from fresh fruiting bodies of G. lucidum potentiated
neous anaphylaxis reaction in guinea pigs and rats.
the production of cytokines including IL-1b, IL-6,
Two ganoderic acids (C and D) isolated from the fruit
IFN-g, and TNF-a by human macrophages, which
body by methanol inhibited the histamine release from
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
rat mast cells, induced by compound 48=80
animal studies indicate that G. lucidum
navalin A. A chloroform extract from G. lucidum
extracts (mainly polysaccharides or triterpenoids)
broth also significantly inhibited histamine release
from rat peritoneal mast cells induced by A-23187
induced by toxic chemicals (e.g., CCl4) and Bacillus
and compound 48=80. The mechanism for the inhibi-
tory activity on histamine release from mast cells was
further studied. Palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid,
(HBV) activity in a duckling study. Recently, a rando-
and linoleic acid were isolated from the active frac-
mized placebo-controlled clinical study[15,17] showed
tions. Of these, oleic acids induced membrane stabili-
that treatment with G. lucidum polysaccharides for
zation in model membrane systems. Cyclo-octasulfur
12 weeks reduced hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) and
extracted from the culture medium of G. lucidum
HBV DNA in 25% (13=52) patients with HBV infec-
may decrease calcium uptake from the extracellular
tion. The mechanisms of the hepatoprotective effects
medium by a disulfide exchange reaction in the cell
of G. lucidum have been largely undefined. However,
membrane leading to inhibition of histamine release
from mast cells.[3,10,11,14,16]
mechanisms. These include antioxidant and radical-scavenging activity, modulation of hepatic Phase Iand II enzymes, inhibition of b-glucuronidase, anti-fibrotic and antiviral activity, modulation of NO
production, maintenance of hepatocellular calciumhomeostasis, and immunomodulating effects (Fig. 6).
An alkali extract isolated from cultured mycelium of
The mushroom could represent a promising approach
G. lucidum activated classical and alternative path-
for the management of various chronic hepatopathies.
ways of a complement system. Activated complement
Further studies are needed to explore the kinetics
C3 was observed by crossed immunoelectrophoresis
and mechanisms of action of its constituents with
in mice. This fraction also activated the reticulo-
endothelial system of mice in the carbon clearance test
and increased hemolytic plaque forming cells of the
isolated from G. lucidum have shown protective effects
spleen. The alkali extract consisted of 10% carbo-
on the liver in animal and human studies. Ninety
hydrate and 49% proteins. A clinical study in elderly
patients with chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis B viral
patients with insomnia and palpitations recently
(HBV) DNA positivity, and aminotransferase eleva-
showed that taking G. lucidum essence for 4–6 weeks
tion were included in this multicenter prospective
increased their serum C3 levels.[3,10,20]
randomized Phase I=II study. Subjects were rando-mized to be given Ganopoly (n ¼ 60) or a placebo(n ¼ 30) for 12 weeks, then followed up for 13 weeks.
Effect of therapy on levels of HBV DNA and
aminotransferase activities in serum and HBeAgstatus were investigated. There were 78 assessable
The fruiting bodies have been traditionally used as
patients who entered the trial for efficacy and safety;
anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of asthma
13 of 52 (25%) receiving Ganopoly responded by
or allergy. In the course of a screening test for the
reducing HBeAg and HBV DNA compared to 10 of
inhibition of histamine release from rat mast cells, it
26 (4%) patients in the control group (P < 0.05).
was found for the first time that ganoderic acids
Among those with serum aspartate aminotransferase
C and D inhibited histamine release from rat mast
(AST) values <100 U=L (n ¼ 29), 41% (12=29)
cells (that were induced by compound 48=80 and
responded, and among those with AST values
concanavalin A). Other than the triterpenoid com-
>100 U=L (n ¼ 23), 65% (15=23) responded. Within
pounds, cyclo-octasulfur from this fungus also effec-
the 6-mo study period, 33% (17=52) of treated
tively inhibited histamine release from rat peritoneal
patients had normal aminotransferase (ALT) values,
mast cells and interacted with membrane proteins to
and 13% (7=52) had cleared hepatitis B surface
inhibit Ca uptake causing a blockade of histamine
antigen (HBsAg) from serum, whereas none of the
controls had normal ALT values or had lost HBsAg.
Eight of the 60 patients in the Ganopoly group and4 of the 30 in the controls were unable to be fol-
lowed up due to loss or withdrawal. Our studyindicates that Ganopoly is well tolerated and appears
G. lucidum has been widely used for the treatment of
to be active against HBV patients with chronic
chronic hepatopathy of various etiologies. Data from
hepatitis B.[3,10,15,17]
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Fig. 6 Possible mechanisms for the hepatoprotective effects of G. lucidum. These include antioxidative and radical-scavengingeffects, downregulation of activating enzymes, and upregulation of detoxifying enzymes, antiviral activities, inhibition of b-glucuronidase, enhanced hepatic nucleic acid and protein synthesis, inhibition of hepatic collagen synthesis, immunomodulatingeffects, and modulation of nitric oxide (NO) production. GSH ¼ glutathione; GSSG ¼ oxidized glutathione; INOS ¼ indu-inducible NO synthase; SOD ¼ superoxide dismutase; CYP ¼ cytochrome P450; UGT ¼ uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl-transferases. (From Ref.[17].)
type II DM of >3 mo duration during which patientsdid not receive insulin; age >18 yr; normal vital signs
Animal studies have demonstrated that the poly-
for age and disease state; normal electrocardiogram
saccharide fractions of G. lucidum have potential
(ECG); and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) level of
hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities.
8.9–16.7 mmol=L in sulfonylurea-naive patients or an
A water extract of reishi reduced the increase in
FPG < 10 mmol=L before washout in sulfonylurea-
blood glucose and blood insulin levels in rats (50 mg
treated patients. They were randomly grouped and
p.o.) following oral glucose test. Following adrenaline
given either Ganopoly or an oral placebo of 1800 mg
(i.v.) or oral glucose in rats, the mushroom inhibited
three times daily for 12 weeks. The subjects underwent
increases in blood glucose without raising blood
4 weeks of dose adjustment, followed by 8 weeks of
insulin levels. Glycans (ganoderans B and D) have
dose maintenance. Fasting and stimulated glycosylated
shown significant hypoglycemic activity in mice.
hemoglobin (HbA1c), plasma glucose, insulin, and
A clinical study aimed at evaluating the efficacy
C-peptide were monitored at predetermined intervals.
and safety of polysaccharide fractions extracted from
Adverse events and hypoglycemic episodes were
G. lucidum (Ganopoly) by a patented technique[18] in
recorded. Treatment with Ganopoly significantly
71 patients with confirmed type II diabetes mellitus
decreased the mean HbA1c from 8.4% at baseline to
(DM) was carried out. Eligibility criteria included
7.6% at 12 weeks. Significant changes in mean FPG
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
and PPG levels at the last visit paralleled
administrated G. lucidum extract tablets
in mean HbA1clevels. At baseline, the mean FPG and
(2 tablets b.i.d. or 220 mg=day), systemic blood
PPG values for patients treated with Ganopoly were
12.0 and 13.6 mmol=L, respectively. At week 12, mean
capillary and arterial blood pressure showing sig-
PPG values had decreased to 11.8 mmol=L. However,
nificant improvements in as little as 14 days. No
these parameters did not change or slightly increased
changes of any significance were found in the placebo
for patients receiving placebos. The between-group
group. According to Soo[52] in treating hypertension,
difference in PPG levels at week 12 was significant
G. lucidum was shown to be highly effective in a very
(P < 0.05). Changes in fasting insulin, 2-hr postpran-
large number of treated cases. In the more successful
dial insulin, fasting C-peptide, and 2-hr postprandial
cases, blood pressure was back to normal within
C-peptide were consistent with the between-group
2 mo, and in some cases, within 2 weeks.
differences in these end points being significant at thelast visit. Overall, Ganopoly was well tolerated. Thisstudy demonstrated that Ganopoly is efficacious and
safe in lowering blood glucose concentrations.[18]
A 2-mo open label comparative clinical study of a
Antibacterial Effect of Ganoderma lucidum on
reishi powder extract (1 g t.i.d.) for eight diabetic
Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria
patients (four with NIDD and four with IDDM)found hypoglycemic effects comparable to those
Recently, more studies demonstrated that G. lucidum
found in controls who were administered insulin
contained antibacterial constituents that are able
(100 IU=ml for 60 days) or oral hypoglycemic agents
(250 mg=day for 60 days).[3,10,11,18]
bacteria.[3,5,10,11,17,55,56] The aqueous extract from thecarpophores of G. lucidum inhibited 15 types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Further studiesindicate that the antimicrobial combinations of G.
lucidum extract with four antibiotics (ampicillin, cefa-
zolin, oxytetracycline, and chloramphenicol) resultedin additive effects in most instances: synergism in two
Cholesterol and Lipid Metabolism
instances when combined with cefazolin againstBacillus
and Klebsiella oxytoca,[57] and
The powdered mycelium of reishi, at 5% of the diet of
antagonism in two instances.
spontaneously hypertensive rats for 4 weeks, causedplasma total cholesterol to decrease significantly (by18.6%) compared to controls. Total liver triglyceride
Helicobacter pylori
and total liver cholesterol levels were also significantlylower in the reishi-fed group (by approximately 46%
Helicobacter pylori is associated with human gastro-
and 56%, respectively).[51,52]
duodenal diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer, andgastric carcinoma. The extracts of many mushroomsinhibited the growth of this bacterium.[17,58] The
extract of G. lucidum and some other species of higherBasidiomycetes arrested the growth of this pathogen.
A water extract of the mycelium administered to rats
When their extracts were fractionated, the ether frac-
and rabbits (3–30 mg=kg i.v.) produced significant
tions of G. lucidum and Agaricus bisporus (J. Lge)
hypotensive effects; an activity the researchers sug-
Imbach were the most effective. Among seven compo-
gested is secondary to the primary effect that sup-
nents separated from the ether fraction of G. lucidum
presses sympathetic outflow of the central nervous
extract by silica gel column chromatography, P3
system.[53] The powdered mycelium of reishi, at 5%
was the most potent with a minimum inhibitory
of the diet of spontaneously hypertensive rats for
concentration of 200 mg=ml.
4 weeks, caused systolic blood pressure to be signifi-
It appears that some constituents such as gano-
cantly lower (approximately 10 mmHg) without causing
mycin, triterpenoids, and aqueous extracts from
a significant difference in the heart rate[51] Jin et al.[54]
Ganoderma species have a broad spectrum of in vitro
conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical
antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-
study of G. lucidum in 54 patients with primary
negative bacteria and H. pylori. Thus, it is possible that
stage-II hypertension who had not responded to
the antibacterial activity of Ganoderma species may be
previous drug treatment (captopril 25 mg t.i.d. or
beneficial for those patients with chronic infection (e.g.,
nomodipine 20 mg t.i.d.). In the group which was
chronic bronchitis) and those with H. pylori-positive
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
peptic ulcer diseases, though clinical
lastoid cell line.[63] The IC50
required to confirm this.
and EC50 values were 125 and 11 mg=ml, respectively,resulting in a therapeutic index of 11.4. This aqueouslow-molecular-weight extract was further fractionated
to eight subfractions by methanol: GLA (methanolic
Virus (HIV) Activity
extract), GLB (hexane soluble), GLC (acetic ethersoluble), GLD (water soluble), GLE (neutral), GLF
HIV was isolated as an etiological agent of acquired
(acidic), GLG (alkaline), and GLH (amphoteric). All
subfractions except GLD, GLF, and GLH exhibited
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome caused by HIV
anti-HIV activity with IC50 and EC50 values of
infection has recently become an important social and
22–44 mg=ml and 14–44 mg=ml, respectively. GLC and
medical problem. Anti-HIV therapy by nucleoside
GLG inhibited HIV RT. Showing consistency, incuba-
analogues, such as 30-azido-thymidine, is the major
tion of GLC at 50 mg=ml or GLG (100 mg=ml) with
effective approach for the treatment of acquired immu-
Jurkat T cells gave a 75% and 66% inhibition of HIV
nodeficiency syndrome.[60] These agents are potent
growth, respectively. However, the high-molecular-
inhibitors of HIV reverse transcriptase (RT) and
weight fraction did not inhibit any HIV-induced
protease.[61] However, the emergence of drug-resistant
cytopathic effect. Both low-molecular-weight and
variants of HIV and toxicities severely limits the
high-molecular-weight fractions from G. lucidum had
long-term effectiveness of these drugs. Recent studies
negligible toxicities to CEM cells. The results indicate
have indicated that many natural products are active
that the aqueous low-molecular-weight fraction from
as anti-HIV agents. These compounds belong to a wide
the fruiting bodies of G. lucidum, and the neutral
range of different structural classes, e.g., coumarins,
and alkaline subfractions from the methanolic extract
might contain small molecular weight polysaccharides.
naphtho- and anthraquinones, and polysaccharides.[62]
In vitro studies indicate that various triterpenoids
from G. lucidum had potent inhibitory activity against
Epstein-Barr Virus
HIV. Lucidenic acid O and lucidenic lactone, isolatedfrom the fruiting body of G. lucidum, not only inhi-
Virus-induced carcinogenesis is considered a compli-
bited the activities of calf DNA polymerase-a and rat
cated process with multiple steps involving a number
DNA polymerase-b, but also those of HIV-1 RT.[17]
of cellular signaling pathways. A few polyoxygenated
Ganoderiol F and ganodermanontriol isolated from
lanostanoid triterpenes isolated from G. applanatus
the fruiting bodies of G. lucidum are active against
HIV-1 growth with an IC100 of 7.8 mg=ml.[10,11,17]
induced Epstein–Barr virus early antigen in Raji cells.
Ganoderic acid B and ganoderiol B showed potent
Similar effects have been observed with Zingiberaceae
inhibitory effect on HIV protease with an IC50 value
rhizomes, a commonly used traditional medicine in
of 0.17 mM. Other triterpenoids including ganoderic
Malaysia. These results indicate that herbal medicines,
such as Ganoderma species, may behave as antitumor
diene, ganoderic acid-a, ganoderic acid H, and gano-
deriol A had moderate activity against HIV-1 proteasewith IC50 values of 0.17–0.23 mM.[10,11,17,50] In addi-tion, ganoderic acid-b, lucidumol B, ganodermanon-
diol, ganodermanontriol, and ganolucidic acid Ashowed significant anti-HIV-1 protease activity with
The antiviral effects of two water-soluble substances
IC50 values of 20, 59, 90, 70, and 70 mM, respec-
(GLhw and GLlw) and eight methanol-soluble sub-
tively.[22] Ganoderic acid A, B, and C1 had minor inhi-
stances (GLMe-1-8) isolated from the carpophores of
bitory activity against HIV protease with IC50 values
G. lucidum, were investigated on influenza A virus
of 140–430 mM. It appears that there is a structure–
strains and vesicular stomatitis virus Indiana and
activity relationship for triterpenoid showing anti-
New Jersey in vitro. These activities were evaluated
HIV protease activity. The C3, C24, or C25 atoms
by the cytopathic effect inhibition assay and plaque
are vital for the anti-HIV activity.[22]
reduction assay using Vero and HEp-2 cells. Five sub-
The aqueous low-molecular-weight fraction extrac-
stances, GLhw, GLMe-1, -2, -4, and -7 significantly
ted from G. lucidum also exhibited anti-HIV activity
inhibited the cytopathic effects of vesicular stomatitis
using the XTT [2,3-bis (2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfo-
virus. GLMe-4 did not exhibit cytotoxicity up to
1000 mg=ml, while it displayed potent antiviral activity
hydroxide] antiviral assay, which can quantitatively
on the vesicular stomatitis virus New Jersey strain with
measure cytopathic effects of HIV-1 on CEM cells,
a therapeutic index of more than 5.43.[64,65]
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Mechanism Consideration
hardly influenced the activities of DNApolymerase-b, prokaryotic DNA polymerases, terminal
The mechanisms for the antibacterial and antiviral
deoxynucleotidyl transferase, HIV RT, RNA polymer-
activity of Ganoderma species are largely undefined.
ase, deoxyribonuclease I, and ATPase. Linoleic acid
Gao et al.[17] suggest that multiple mechanisms may
from G. lucidum inhibited the activities of mammalian
be involved. For example, the Ganoderma species
DNA polymerases.[38,66]
constituents (e.g., polysaccharides and triterpenoids)
Immunomodulating effects of G. lucidum are
may inhibit viral replication of HSV, HBV, HIV, and
considered to play a role in antimicrobial activity.[15,17]
other types of viruses by interfering with their adsorp-
Activation of immune effector cells (e.g., T cells,
tion, virus–hepatocyte fusion and endocytosis, viral
macrophages, and natural killer cells) by both patho-
integration, assembly, and release (Fig. 7).
gen infection and G. lucidum administration caused
Data from in vitro studies indicate that Ganoderma
an enhanced production of cytokines, radicals, and
polysaccharides have direct anti-HBV activity through
NO facilitating the killing of viruses and bacteria.
inhibition of HBV DNA polymerase. The extract
For example, activation of Kupffer cells by G. lucidum
from G. lucidum inhibited the HBV DNA polymerase
polysaccharides and triterpenoids within the liver faci-
activity in PLC=PRF=5 cells by 80%, 70%, and 60%,
litate the killing of HBV. In addition, a study of the
respectively, with a 28–41% decrease in HBV DNA
mouse indicates that a proteoglycan with a carbo-
contents. Some constituents isolated from G. lucidum
hydrate protein ratio of 11.5 : 1 isolated from G. lucidum
showed inhibitory effect on eukaryotic DNA poly-
stimulated the proliferation of mouse spleen lym-
merase. For example, two cerebrosides from the
phocytes, resulting in a three-to-four fold increase
fruiting bodies selectively inhibited the activities of
in the percentage of B cells. These B cells were
replicative DNA polymerases (especially the a and
enlarged, expressed CD71 and CD25 on the cell
d type) with a IC50 of 12–57 mM. However, these
surface, and showed an increase in the production of
Fig. 7 Possible mechanisms for the antiviral effects of G. lucidum. Polysaccharides and triterpenoids may inhibit viral repli-cation of HSV, HBV, HIV, and other types of viruses by interfering with their adsorption, and virus–hepatocyte fusion andendocytosis, viral integration, assembly, and release. (From Ref.[17].)
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
immunoglobulins. Therefore, Ganoderma
stimulate B cells in vivo, producing immunoglobulins,which can neutralize HBV.[15,17]
Because reishi potentiates the immune system, caution
Furthermore, the immunosuppressive activity of
is advised for those receiving immunosuppressive
G. lucidum constituents may decrease tissue and
cellular damage following infection. Ling-Zhi-8 at 8and 12 mg=kg by intraperitoneal injection significantlyblocked the production of antibody to HBsAg (83.3–
96.8% inhibition) in mice treated with twice the sensiti-zation of the antigen. As Ling-Zhi-8 did not alter the
In oral dosages of 1.5–9 g=day, some patients, when
mitogen responsibility of spleen cells and the T-cell
initially taking a powder extract of reishi, have experi-
subset population in mice, and prevented systemic
enced temporary symptoms of sleepiness, thirst, rashes,
anaphylaxis and Arthus reactions, these immuno-
bloating, frequent
suppressive activities may be ascribed to the blocking
and loose stools.[52] Large oral doses of vitamin C
of antigen-specific antibody production. The immuno-
(6–12 g=day) taken at the same time as reishi powder
suppressive effect might ameliorate the immune
extract (2–10 g=day) reportedly counteracted loose
response to HBV infection.[15,17]
The inhibition of platelet aggregation by G.
Potential role in the treatment of HBV infection in
lucidum[3,10,11] may present an additive effect in those
combination with antiviral nucleoside analogues
taking blood thinning medications such as daily aspirinor warfarin.
Further studies are required to identify the molecular
Synergistic antimicrobial activity was shown with
targets of G. lucidum constituents for viruses and
an aqueous extract of G. lucidum in combination with
bacteria. Herbal medicines often contain multiple
cefazolin against Klebsiella oxytoca ATCC 8724 and
active substances with individual constituents possibly
Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6603, Staphylococcus aureus
contributing to the bioactivity observed in vitro and in
ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25933, and
vivo. Therefore, multiple important molecules might
Salmonella typhi ATCC 6509.[57]
be the targets of a herbal medicine. The identificationof these targets may provide molecular evidence ofthe pharmacological activity and toxicity of herbs.[67]
G. lucidum may play an adjunct role in the manage-ment of infectious diseases. However, further exp-
In animal experiments, G. lucidum extracts showed a
erimental clinical studies are needed to identify
very low toxicity.[3,5,10,11] There are few reported data
mechanisms of action, optimal dosing, efficacy, and
on the long-term adverse effects on G. lucidum and
safety, alone or in combination with chemotherapeutic
its derivatives.
The aqueous extract of reishi administered to mice
(5 g=kg p.o. for 30 days) produced no changes in bodyweight, organ weight, or hematological parameters.
The polysaccharide fraction at the same dosage pro-
duced no lethal or serious effects.[21] The mushroomproduced no changes in the estrus cycles of ovariecto-
G. lucidum is usually prescribed in various forms. It
mized mice from a dosage of 10 g=kg p.o. and no
may be injected as a solution of powdered spore.
increase in the weight of levator cavernosa and testicles
It may be ingested as a soup, syrup, tea, tablets,
in male mice from the same dosage. The LD50 in mice
capsules, tincture, or bolus (powdered medicine in
of the reflux percolate was 38.3 1.048 g=kg i.g. No
honey). The dose in tincture form (20%) is 10 ml three
organ toxicity was found in rabbits taking a syrup
times daily, that of tablet is 1 g tablets three times
daily, and syrup is 4–6 ml=day. As an antidote for
4–140 ml=kg p.o. daily for 10 days), or in dogs (2 ml=kg
ingestion of poisonous mushrooms, dried G. lucidum
and 4 ml=kg p.o. daily for 10 days). An alcoholic
(120–200 g) is decocted in water and given as a drink
extract (1.2 and 12 g=kg i.g. daily for 30 days) produced
3–5 times daily.[3,5,10,11]
no signs of toxicity in young rats in DCG, majororgans, hepatic function, growth, or development.
Toxic reactions were absent in dogs administered an
alcoholic extract (12 g=kg i.g. daily for 15 days andat 24 g=kg i.g. daily for 13 days); however, they did
Contraindications. None known.
display lethargy.[10,11]
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Current biomedical applications of
A. Cosmonaut training in Russia
1. Improves work capacity
2. Rapid recovery of normal physiology
B. Usage with conventional treatment in
1. Maintains leukocyte counts
2. Enhances the immune system
3. Reduces chemotherapy toxicity and elimination of induced leucopenia
(low blood leukocytes) by chemotherapy and radiation
4. Accelerates postsurgical recovery
5. Sedation, pain relief and reduction of morphine dependence in
terminal cancer patients
6. Usage during remission to prevent relapses
C. Cardiovascular disorders including
1. Coronary dilation and increasing coronary circulation
2. Increases frequency and amplitude of heart contraction
3. Blood pressure regulation together with other medication
4. Antihyperlipidemic, antihypoglycemic and antiplatelet aggregation
5. Relief from oxygen deprivation
D. Immunomodulation effects
2. Antiviral (e.g., anti-HIV)
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. Therapy of autoimmune disorders
6. Inhibition of histamine release in allergy and prevention of
E. Usage during remission of cancer
and hepatitis B treatment
F. Enhancing oxygen utilization
1. Relief from discomfort of high-altitude stress, headaches, dizziness,
nausea, and insomnia
2. Relief of oxygen deprivation caused by coronary arteries blocked by
atheromas, spasms, or clots
3. Tolerance to hypobaric (low pressure) conditions
G. Other examples
1. Usage in combination with other medication
2. Anti-aging, antioxidant free radical scavenger
To test the toxicity of wild reishi, fruit bodies
urea, GOT, or GPT significantly different compared to
harvested in a rural area of Hong Kong were pre-
controls. No abnormalities were found in histological
pared as a freeze-dried powder extract (yield: 1 g=20 g
examinations of livers and kidneys, organ weights
of freeze-dried fruit bodies and 50 ml of extract
(liver, kidney, heart, lung, and spleen), or organ=body
solution=100 g of freeze-dried fruit bodies). Examining
weight ratios compared to the control.[39]
acute toxicity, the extract solution (0.9259=kg) was
Summarized data about G. lucidum biomedical
administered to male mice at a dosage equivalent to
applications are shown in Table 2. The observed effects
the one commonly recommended by manufacturers
include both clinical and preclinical observations, and
of commercial concentrated extracts. Neither evidence
the reader should refer to the preceding discussion of
of acute toxicity was found, nor was serum contents of
the various applications for more details.
Reishi or Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
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21. Kim, H.W.; Kim, B.K. Biomedical triterpenoids
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International Journal of Obesity (2004) 28, 1124–1133 & 2004 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0307-0565/04 $30.00 Pretreatment predictors of attrition and successfulweight management in women PJ Teixeira1*, SB Going3, LB Houtkooper3, EC Cussler2, LL Metcalfe2, RM Blew2, LB Sardinha1 andTG Lohman2 1Department of Exercise and Health, Faculty of Human Movement, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal;