Effect of robotic milling on periprosthetic bone remodeling
Effect of Robotic Milling on Periprosthetic Bone Remodeling
Takehito Hananouchi,1 Nobuhiko Sugano,1 Takashi Nishii,1 Nobuo Nakamura,2 Hidenobu Miki,1Akihiro Kakimoto,2 Mitsuyoshi Yamamura,2 Hideki Yoshikawa1
1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
2Center of Arthroplasty, Kyowakai hospital, Osaka, Japan
Received 6 June 2006; accepted 26 December 2006
Published online 24 April 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/jor.20376
ABSTRACT: The ROBODOC system has provided better fit and fill of the stem and less destructionof the bony architecture than with manual surgery. These benefits might affect femoralperiprosthetic bone remodeling. We evaluated the effects of robotic milling in cementless total hiparthroplasty (THA) in a longitudinal 24-month follow-up study using dual energy X-rayabsorptiometry (DEXA) and plain radiographs of 29 patients (31 hips) after ROBODOC THA and24 patients (27 hips) after manual THA with the same stem design. To minimize the influence of otherfactors on bone remodeling, only female osteoarthritis patients, who had no drugs that might affectbone metabolism were enrolled. Significantly less bone loss occurred at the proximal periprostheticareas in the ROBODOC group. In zone 1, the decrease was 15.5 versus 29.9% using conventionalrasping; in zone 7, the loss was 17.0% with ROBODOC compared to 30.5% with conventional rasping(p < 0.05). On radiographs, endosteal spot welds in the proximal medial portion were morepronounced in the ROBODOC group (48 vs. 11% in the conventional group, p < 0.05). Our resultssuggest that robotic milling is effective in facilitating proximal load transfer around the femoralcomponent and minimizing bone loss after cementless THA. ß 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society.
Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 25:1062–1069, 2007Keywords:
ROBODOC system; periprosthetic bone remodeling
our knowledge, however, the effects of roboticsurgery on periprosthetic bone remodeling have
ROBODOC (Integrated Surgical Systems, Davis,
not been investigated quantitatively.
CA) is an active system of computer-assisted
The aim of this study was to investigate
surgery that helps surgeons to prepare the femoral
periprosthetic bone remodeling after ROBODOC
canal for cementless total hip arthroplasty (THA)
THA in a longitudinal follow-up study using
by using a five-axis robotic arm and a high-
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and
speed milling device.1 Based on postoperative
plain radiographs in comparison with a control
radiographic assessment, ROBODOC surgery pro-
THA group performed without ROBODOC. To
vided better alignment and fit and fill of the stem
minimize the influence of other factors on bone
than conventional surgery.1–3 In addition, the
remodeling, only female patients with a preopera-
robotic milling system provided less destruction
tive diagnosis of osteoarthritis were enrolled.
of intramedullary trabecular architecture4 andreduced the amount of fatty and bony debrisintroduced into the venous system, resulting in a
lower incidence of severe intraoperative embolicevents.5 Because proximal bone remodeling is
From March 2001 to December 2003, 53 patients
considered to be related to stem fit and fill6 and
(58 hips) gave informed consent to be enrolled in this
preservation of endosteal trabecular architecture
prospective study and underwent primary THA. Eligiblepatients included females with a diagnosis of osteoar-
and vascularity,7 robotic surgery could reduce the
thritis with no previous surgery and no administration
periprosthetic bone loss after THA. To the best of
of drugs that affect bone mineral metabolism. Thepatients were allowed to choose which group (with andwithout ROBODOC) to join. The femoral canal was pre-
Correspondence to: T. Hananouchi (Telephone: þ81-6-6879-
pared with the ROBODOC in 29 patients (31 hips), and
3552; Fax: þ81-6-6879-3559;
with a standard rasp in 24 patients (27 hips). There were
no significant differences between the two groups in
ß 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals,Inc.
age (ROBODOC ¼ 56.7 9.2 years, conventional ¼ 57.4
7.1 years) and body mass index (ROBODOC ¼ 22.6 3.4,
Periprosthetic bone mineral density (BMD) surround-
convetional ¼ 22.5 2.8).
ing the femoral component was measured in the 7 Gruen
In all patients, a VerSys Fiber Metal Taper (Zimmer,
zones16 using DEXA (DPX-L, Lunar Madison, WI) at
Warsaw, IN) titanium alloy stem was inserted without
3 weeks and 12 and 24 months after surgery. Because the
cement. This stem is a straight type component with a
DEXA measurement was affected by the rotational
distal tapered design and has a proximal titanium fiber
position of the leg,17 and patients with severe osteoar-
metal porous coating with hydroxyapatite and a polished
thritis had difficultly placing the leg in neutral position
distal portion. To minimize the difference in the decision
due to contracture, preoperative DEXA measurements
criteria for stem size between the two groups, preopera-
were not performed. Instead, the DEXA measurements
tive planning was done using the ORTHODOC system, a
3 weeks postoperatively, when patients were free from
preoperative planning workstation of the ROBODOC,8,9
contracture, were used as baseline values.
which provides the optimal size and position of the
Patients were placed supine on the table with
femoral component for appropriate fit and fill. In
standard knee and foot supports so that the femur was
the conventioal group, the surgeons were informed of
in a neutral position (08 of neck anteversion). DEXA
the results of preoperative planning before the operation
measurements and the evaluation of the scans were all
and were encouraged to use the recommended stem size.
performed by the same medical assistant, who was
Because a larger size proximal porous-coated stem is
blinded to patient selection. For quality control of the
associated with greater proximal bone loss,10 we eval-
DEXA machine, the assistant performed the calibration
uated whether the size distribution between the two
before the initial examination of the measurement
groups was comparable. The acetabular component
day. Longitudinal precision on a phantom estimated a
(Trilogy; Zimmer) was implanted using a press-fit
coefficient of variation of <2% during the study period.
method after underreaming of 1 mm in both groups.
According to the previous DEXA report, initial BMD
The postoperative protocol was the same in both groups,
3 weeks postoperatively in zone 4 had significant
with immediate full weight bearing as tolerated. From
influence on subsequent proximal bone loss.17 Thus,
postoperative day 1, patients were allowed to transfer
BMDs around the distal portion of the prosthesis were
from bed to wheel chair with full weight bearing under
compared between both groups. To analyze regional bone
control of a physical therapist. Then, patients were able
density change in each zone, the BMD ratio was
to walk with a walker or T-cane, depending on the
calculated 12 and 24 months postoperatively in each
patient's recovery.
zone as a percentage of the 3 week values.17
The patients were followed using clinical, radio-
In previous articles assessing periprosthetic femoral
graphical, and bone mineral assessments. The clinical
bone remodeling with different factors or interven-
rating before the operation and postoperatively at
tions,18–24 a 5 to 10% difference in BMD decrease by
24 months was determined using the Merle d'Aubigne´
DEXA between test groups was identified as significant.
hip score.11 All plain radiographs were scanned digitally
Therefore, we calculated a sample-size to detect the 5%
with 300 dpi and were evaluated using Image-J software
difference in the BMD decrease. Twenty-five hips in each
(NIH). On immediate postoperative radiographs, stem
group were sufficient to determine whether there was a
alignment was measured by means of the varus/valgus
significant difference (power ¼ 0.8 and p < 0.05).
stem angle, defined as the difference between the axes of
For comparison between the two groups, we used
the femur and stem.1 The medial fit of the stem1 at the
univariate analysis for data grouped into distinct
neck cut level was graded as good if there was contact
categories (spot welds, medial proximal fit, radiolucent
between the stem and femoral medial cortex, fair if there
lines, ectopic ossification, and intraoperative fracture)
was a 1- to 2-mm space, and poor if the space was more
with Fisher's exact test. We used the Mann-Whitney
than 2 mm, based on a modification of the classification by
U-test for continuous data (age, BMI, Merle d'Aubigne´
Woolson et al.12 The fill of the stem at the level of the
score, stem alignment, proximal fill ratio, and stem size).
lesser trochanter1 was measured as the percentage of the
The difference of the BMD ratios between the two groups
width of the femoral component to that of the medullary
was examined using repeated measure ANOVA.
cavity. Radiolucent lines around the proximal poroussurface13 and endosteal spot welds14 were assessed on the2-year follow-up radiographs. Heterotopic ossification
was evaluated according to Brooker's classification.15
The radiographic assessment was performed by two
The median Merle d'Aubigne´ hip scores11 before
orthopaedic surgeons in a blind fashion. We evaluated
surgery was 9.5 (pain 1.9, mobility 4.1, ability 3.5)
intraobserver and interobserver variability using Pear-
in the ROBODOC group and 9.9 (pain 1.8, mobility
son correlation coefficient (r) for stem alignment and fit
4.2, ability 3.9) in the conventional group. At
and Kappa coefficients (k) for the appearance of spot
24 months, these scores improved to 17.8 (pain 6.0,
welds. In the intraobserver variability of alignment, fit,and spot welds (from two measurements separated by a
mobility 5.9, ability 5.9) and 17.7 (pain 6.0,
3-week interval), r was 0.74 and 0.78, respectively, and k
mobility 5.8, ability 5.9), respectively (Table 1).
was 0.76. In the interobserver variability, r was 0.70 and
There was no significant difference in these scores
0.83, and k was 0.77.
between the two groups at 24 months. In the
Comparison of Clinical Results in ROBODOC and Conventional Groups
Conventional Group
Clinical score (Merle d'Aubigne´, average SD)
24 months after surgery
The average (range) size of used stem
No. of stems using different size compared with
No. of intraoperative femoral fracture
*p < 0.05 with Fisher's exact test.
ROBODOC group, a stem of the same size
proximal zones 24 months postoperatively was
as suggested by preoperative planning was
significantly smaller in the ROBODOC group (zone
implanted in all hips. In the conventional group,
1; 15.5%, zone 7; 17.0%) than the conventional
a stem of the same size as suggested by preopera-
group (zone 1; 29.9%, zone 7; 30.5%) (Table 4).
tive planning was implanted in 22 hips, and an
The difference of the decrease in the BMD ratio at
undersized stem was implanted in 5 hips. There
distal zones (zone 4 and 5) between the two groups
were no significant differences in sizes between
was only 6%, but the ROBODOC group also showed
the groups. No intraoperative femoral fractures
a significantly smaller decrease of the BMD ratio.
occurred in the ROBODOC group during stemfixation, while two patients in the conventionalgroup had intraoperative fractures that requiredtreatment with cable cerclage. No patients in
either group underwent revision surgery by24 months.
Periprosthetic bone remodeling is influenced
Radiographic examples are shown in Figure 1.
by gender,18,19 perioperative density,17,20,21 stem
Immediate postoperative radiographs showed that
size,10 and stem material.22 To clarify the effects of
stem alignment was better in the ROBODOC group
robotic milling on adjacent bone remodeling, the
(p ¼ 0.01) (Table 2). The number of hips rated with
effects of these other factors were minimized by
good proximal medial stem fit was significantly
enrolling only women with osteoarthritis and by
larger in the ROBODOC group (p < 0.0001). A
using the same stem design and material and
significant difference in fill was found in favor of the
the same preoperative planning procedure in all
ROBODOC group (p ¼ 0.04). No radiolucent lines
patients. In addition, patient ages, stem size, and
in the proximal portion or progressive subsidence
postoperative BMD of the femoral distal portion
occurred in any hip at 24 months. Endosteal spot
were comparable between groups.
welds in the proximal portion (zones 1 and 7) were
DEXA assessments showed significant dif-
detected in 26 (84%, zone 1) and 15 (48%, zone 7) of
ferences between the two groups in almost all
the ROBODOC cases and 23 (85%, zone 1) and 3
zones, especially proximally, suggesting that dif-
(11%, zone 7) of the conventional cases. The
ferences in femoral preparation between robotic
difference in endosteal spot welds in zone 7 was
milling and manual rasping affected periprosthetic
(p ¼ 0.004). The radiographs also
bone remodeling. Two mechanisms may account for
showed class 1 ectopic ossification in one patient
the more favorable bone remodeling after robotic
in each group.
milling. First, 95% of the ROBODOC group had a
There was no significant difference between the
good fit compared to 63% in the conventional group.
groups in initial BMD in all zones (Table 3).
Similarly, better fill occurred in the ROBODOC
However, repeated-measure ANOVA in all zones
but zone 3 showed significant differences between
reports.1–3 A favorable proximal fit and fill provides
the two groups (zone 1, p ¼ 0.010; zone 2, p ¼ 0.012;
better bone ingrowth proximally.6 Therefore, the
zone 3, p ¼ 0.23; zone 4, p ¼ 0.044; zone 5, p ¼ 0.034;
better proximal fit and fill in the ROBODOC group
zone 6, p ¼ 0.020; zone 7, p ¼ 0.0012) (Fig. 2).
might facilitate proximal load transfer from the
Especially, the decrease in the BMD ratio at the
stem to the surrounding bone with a high rate of

(a–c) Radiographs of a 66-year-old woman in the ROBODOC group. The 2-year
postoperative radiograph (b) shows spot welds around the hydroxyapatite coating (c; white and blackarrows). The medial femoral neck is unchanged from the immediate postoperative radiograph (a).
(d,e) Radiographs of a 56-year-old woman in the conventional group. The 2-year postoperativeradiograph (e) shows severe osteopenia in the proximal portion (zone 7) compared with thepostoperative film (d).
ingrowth or ongrowth of periprosthetic bone. This
Second, robotic milling provides nearly intact
favorable biomechanical environment could be
trabecular architecture between the stem and
reflected in the preservation of the BMD ratios in
adjacent cortical bone, whereas with rasp prepara-
zones 1, 2, 6, and 7.
tion, the bone microstructure is grossly destroyed.4

Thus, with rasp preparation, vascular injury
Less destruction of adjacent bony microstructure
and decreased blood supply in association with
around the stem using robotic milling might
the destruction of trabecular architecture may
enhance recovery or renewal of periprosthetic bone
after surgery. We speculate that BMD ratios in
Comparison of Radiographic Results in ROBODOC and Conventional Groups
ROBODOC (n ¼ 31)
Conventional (n ¼ 27)
Immediate postoperative radiographic assessment
Stem (varus/valgus) alignment (8)
Proximal medial fit assessment of stem
(good/fair/poor) (% graded poor)
Proximal fill assessment of stem (%)
24-month postoperative radiographic assessment
No. of cases with radiolucent lines
No. of cases with spot welds in proximal zone
No. of cases with ectopic ossifications
*p < 0.05 with Mann-Whitney U-test.
**p < 0.05 with Fisher's exact test.

The Initial BMD (Average SD) at
of the ROBODOC group demonstrated proximal
Postoperative 3 Weeks in the Two Groups
bone ingrowth fixation without radiolucent lines,and spot welds in zone 7 indicate a good biologic
response. Bone thermal damage may be less
evident in a primary THA using the ROBODOC
system since there is no need to remove cement or to
mill sclerotic bone from previous primary surgery.
We did not compare the time to recovery of
walking ability postoperatively between the two
groups, although time might influence peripros-
thetic bone remodeling. One report showed that
late weight bearing resulted in a large reduction inBMD around the stem.28 However, we previouslyfound no significant difference comparing roboticand manual surgery with respect to the time
the distal zones 4 and 5 of the ROBODOC group
required to regain the ability to walk more than
were better partly because bony architecture was
six blocks without a cane.29 Thus, weight bearing
was not considered to be associated with the
Heat damage by robotic milling may adversely
difference of bone remodeling between the two
groups in this study.
radiolucency on plain radiographs.25,26 A risk of
Our study has limitations. First, the follow-up
heat injury throughout the milling procedure in
period was only two years. In previous reports,
revision THA using the ROBODOC system was
long-term BMD changes in periprosthetic femoral
reported.27 However, in our study, radiographs
bone have been controversial.22,30 One report
Time-related changes in median BMD ratios in Gruen's zones 1 to 7. ROBODOC
surgery (Robo) and conventional manual surgery (Rasp).
Comparison of Postoperative BMD Ratios (Average SD) between the
showed that BMD in zone 7 decreased continuously
Another report showed that bone loss in zone
We thank Dr. Yasuhisa Hayaishi, Gratia Hospital,
7 2 years postoperatively recovered progressively
Dr. Kohei Yabuno, Osaka police Hospital, and Dr. Ichiro
by 10 years.22 Further follow-up of our patients is
Nakahara, North Osaka police Hospital for support
required to determine the long-term effect of
during the gathering of data. No competing interests
robotic milling on BMD change. Second, this study
was not randomized; patients enrolled in our studychose robotic milling or manual THA themselves,although the two groups were comparable in termsof preoperative and postoperative factors that
female patients were enrolled. In our country,
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Nationale Konferenz Häusliche Gewalt als Thema der öffentlichen Gesundheit 20. November 2014 / Bern Opfer häuslicher Gewalt in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Sibil Tschudin Frauenklinik USB Häusliche Gewalt in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Häusliche Gewalt im Zusammenhang mit Schwangerschaft und Geburt
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva Prenatal dexamethasone prevents early and long-lasting neuroendocrine and behavioral effects of maternal stress on male offspring  ðîáîò³ ïåðåâ³ðåíî ã³ïîòåçó ïðî ðîëü ãîðìîí³â ã³ïîòàëàìî-ã³ïîô³çàðíî-àäðåíîêîðòèêàëüíî¿