Hra expenses
Your Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) dollars may be able to be used to pay for co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles. But that's not all. You may also be able to use your HRA money to pay for many expenses in the following categories: Medical, Dental Care, Eye Care, and Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications. Eligible items can vary by employer, so check the specifics of your particular HRA plan.
Potentially Eligible Medical Expenses
Acupuncture Alcoholism treatment Ambulance Artificial limb Autoette / Wheelchair Bandages Birth control pills Braille books and magazines3 Breast reconstruction surgery2 Chiropractor Christian Science Practitioner4 Crutches Diagnostic services Disabled dependent medical care Drug addiction treatment Drugs and medicines (prescription and OTC-eligible expenses) Fertility treatment (to overcome fertility) Guide dog or other service animal Hearing aids Home care5 Hospital services Laboratory fees Lead-based paint removal Lodging essential to medical care6 Maternity care & related services Meals for inpatients6 Medical information plan (fees to maintain medical info in databank for your care) Medical services (e.g., physician, surgeon, specialist) Mentally disabled (special home)7 Nursing home Nursing services Operations Organ donor's medical expenses and transportation Osteopath Oxygen Prosthesis Psychiatric care Psychoanalysis Psychologist Special education8 Sterilization Stop-smoking program Surgery Telephone for hearing impaired Television adapted for hearing impaired Therapy
Transplants Transportation essential to medical care Vasectomy Weight-loss program9 Wig to replace hair lost to disease X-ray
1 Assumes that your employer's Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) under the plan document and/or Summary Plan Description (SPD) permits the reimbursement for expenses for "medical care" as defined in Internal Revenue Code §213(d). The SPD is the communication about this plan provided to you by your employer. Some plans will be more narrowly defined than this. See your employer or benefits administrator for details about what expenses are reimbursable through your HRA. 2 You can include in medical expenses the amount you pay for breast reconstruction surgery following a mastectomy for cancer. 3 Only the amount above the cost of regular printed material will qualify. 4 You can include in medical expenses the fees you pay to Christian Science Practitioners for medical care. 5 Nursing services eligible (e.g., administer medication, changing dressings, bathing, grooming, etc.), but not expenses for household or personal services. 6 You can include in medical expenses the cost of meals and/or lodging at a hospital or similar institution if a principal reason for being there is to get medical care. You cannot include in medical expenses the cost of meals and/or lodging that are not part of inpatient care. 7 May qualify where provided on doctor's recommendation to aid transition to independent living or, where receiving treatment for disabling medical condition. 8 You can include in medical expenses fees you pay on a doctor's recommendation for a child's tutoring by a teacher who is specially trained and qualified to work with children who have learning disabilities caused by mental or physical impairments, including nervous system disorders.
9 Qualifies if recommended by physician to treat specific condition;(e.g., obesity, heart disease, diabetes; however cost of food does not qualify).
Potentially Eligible Dental Care Expenses
Artificial teeth Dental treatment
Potentially Eligible Eye Care Expenses
Contact Lenses Eyeglasses Optometrist Prescription Sunglasses Eye Examinations Eye Surgery (e.g. LASIK)
Potentially Eligible Over-the-Counter Medication Expenses*
Type of Product or Service Example Product(s) Acne Treatments (Medically Necessary)
Allergy & Sinus
TYLENOL® Severe Allergy, TYLENOL® Sinus Congestion and Pain Daytime,
TYLENOL® Sinus Severe Congestion Daytime, ACTIFED® Cold & Allergy,
BENADRYL® Allergy, BENADRYL-D® Allergy Decongestant, NASALCROM®,
Nasal Spray, SINUTAB® Sinus Caplets
Asthma Medicines
Blood Pressure Monitor
Bug Bite Medication
Carpal Tunnel Support
Cold Relief
TYLENOL® Cold Products
Cold Sore/Fever Blister
Contact Lens Solution
Contraceptive Products (e.g., Condoms)
TYLENOL® Cold Products, SUDAFED® Brand Products, SUDAFED PE® Brand
Denture Adhesives
Diabetic Supplies
Digestive Health
MYLANTA® Supreme, MYLANTA® Maximum Strength, MYLANTA® Regular
Strength, MYLANTA® Ultimate Strength Chewables, MYLANTA® Gas Maximum
Strength Softgels, MYLANTA® Gas Maximum Strength Chewable Tablets,
MYLANTA® Children's Products, Infants' MYLICON® Gas Relief, Original Strength
IMODIUM® A-D, DRAMAMINE® Brand Products, EMETROL® Brand Products,
GELUSIL® Antacid and Anti-Gas, ROLAIDS® Brand Products, DOXIDAN® Stimulant Laxative Diuretics and Water Pills Ear Care Eye Care Feminine Products
e.p.t.® Home Pregnancy Test, MONISTAT® Brand Products First Aid BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages, CORTAID® Brand Products, LAVACOL® Rubbing Alcohol, MICATIN® Antifungul, NEOSPORIN® Brand Products, POLYSPORIN® Antifungul, PROXACOL® Hydrogen Peroxide, WART-OFF® Salicylic Acid, TUCKS® Brand Products Head Lice Treatment Hearing Aid Batteries Medicated Shampoo/Soaps (Medically Necessary) Pain Relievers TYLENOL® Extra Strength, TYLENOL® Regular Strength, TYLENOL® 8 Hour, MOTRIN® IB, TYLENOL® Arthritis Pain, Women's TYLENOL® Menstrual Relief, BENGAY® Brand Products, HEMORID® Brand Products Other OneTouch® Products Pediatric Infants' TYLENOL®, Children's TYLENOL®, Children's MOTRIN®, DESITIN® Ointment Pediculicide Personal Test Kits Pinworm Treatment Poison Treatment Prenatal Vitamins (Medically Necessary) Reading Glasses Respiratory Stimulant Ammonia Skin Care CALADRYL® Anti-Itch Lotion Smoking Cessation Throat Pain Medications Topical Steroids Weight Loss Products (Medically Necessary)
*The products listed here are examples, not a complete
listing of products that may be reimbursable. See your
employer or benefits administrator for details about your
products and trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Consumer
Products Company Division of Johnson & Johnson Consumer
products and trademarks of McNeil Consumer Healthcare
Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. PROXACOL®, e.p.t®, ROLAIDS®, LAVOCOL®, MICATIN®, VISINE®, WART-OFF®, and TUCKS® are products and trademarks of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. MYLANTA® and MYLICON® are products and trademarks of Johnson & Johnson • Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals Co. The PEPCID® trademark is owned by Merck & Co., Inc. OneTouch® is a product and trademark of LifeScan, Inc.
INELIGIBLE HRA EXPENSES The following products and services, within the Healthcare and Over-the-Counter medication categories, are NOT eligible for Health Reimbursement (HRA) savings:
Ineligible Healthcare Expenses
Babysitting, Childcare, and Nursing Services for a Normal, Healthy Baby Controlled Substances (Without Prescription) Cosmetic Surgery1 Dancing Lessons Diaper Service Electrolysis or Hair Removal Funeral Expenses Hair Transplant1 Health Club Dues Health Coverage Tax Credit Household Help Illegal Operations and Treatments Insurance Premiums (other than specifically for health insurance) Maternity Clothes Medical Savings Account (MSA)/Health Saving Account (HSA) Contributions Nutritional Supplements2 Personal Use Items3 Swimming Lessons Teeth Whitening Veterinary Fees Weight-Loss Program not part of specific disease treatment
Ineligible Over-the-Counter Products
Aromatherapy Baby Products (e.g., Bottles, Wipes, Baby Oil) Breast Enhancements Cosmetic Products (e.g., Makeup, Perfumes) Dental Products (e.g., Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Dental Floss) Dietary/Nutritional Supplements (e.g., Ensure®, Glucerna®, Slimfast®) Feminine Care (e.g., Tampons) Herbal Supplements
Sun Tanning Products Toiletries (e.g., Deodorant, Shampoo, ChapStick®) Vitamins (for General Health/Routine Use)
1 You cannot include in medical expenses the amount you pay for unnecessary cosmetic surgery. This includes any procedure that is directed at improving the patient's appearance and does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease. You cannot include in medical expenses the amount you pay for procedures such as face lifts, hair transplants, hair removal (electrolysis), teeth whitening and liposuction. 2 You cannot include in medical expenses the cost of nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbal supplements, etc. unless they are recommended by a medical practitioner as treatment for a specific medical condition diagnosed by a physician. 3 You cannot include in medical expenses the cost of an item used by personal living, or family purposes unless it is used primarily to prevent or alleviate a physical or mental defect or illness. For example, the cost of a toothbrush and toothpaste are not eligible expenses. 4 The third party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
August 2015 Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 7 BENZOYL PEROXIDE HARDENER HiChem Paint Technologies Pty.Ltd. A.B.N. 95 064 139 653 73 Hallam South Road, HALLAM, VICTORIA 3803. Telephone : {03} 9796 3400 Facsimile : {03} 9796 4500 If poisoning occurs, consult with the Poisons Information Centre
Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality WATER9 – An Air Emission Model for Animal Feeding Operations – Software for Both Field Agents and Comprehensive Scientific Research M.E. Deerhake1, C.C. Allen2, and S. Nizich3 1RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC 2RT Allen, Durham, NC 3U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC