Hme601972 1.5
Original Research
Health Services Research andManagerial Epidemiology
Medicines Compliance and
1-5ª The Author(s) 2015
Reimbursement Level in Portugal
Reprints and permission:DOI: 10.1177/2333392815601972
Maria da Conceic¸a˜o Constantino Portela1and Adalberto Campos Fernandes2
AbstractDuring a severe financial crisis, it is a priority to use scientific evidence to identify factors that enable therapeutic complianceby patients. This study aimed to evaluate a possible association between the number of patients who attended a medicalappointment and had medicine prescribed and the number of these same patients who purchased the prescribed medicine andwhether the level of reimbursement was a deciding factor. We perform a correlation analysis at primary care centers in Portugal,between 2010 and 2012 (n ¼ 96). We found a moderate to high positive association, which is statistical significant, between thenumber of the patients with medicines dispensing and medicines reimbursement levels. The correlation coefficient varies from.5 to .63 (P < .01). The compliance increases along with the increase in the reimbursement levels.
Keywordsaccess to care, community health centers, efficiency, health economics, primary care
A Conceptual Perspective
During a severe financial crisis, it is a priority to use scientific
On an individual basis, ‘‘adherence to medical therapy (the
evidence to identify factors that enable therapeutic compliance,
extent to which recommendations are followed as defined) is
based on the following main drivers: information to the patients
a complex and dynamic behavioural process that is strongly
about their illness, motivation, and behavioral skills.1,2 Among
influenced by the patient, his or her support environment, prac-
the latter is the ability to comply with a medical prescription
tices of healthcare providers, and the characteristics of care
when prescribed medicines are purchased by the patients. Eco-
delivery systems'', pp.47.2
nomic factors can be a threat to medicines accessibility, the
Reimbursement systems can alleviate patients from the
reimbursement systems being part of the solution.
financial burden of diseases and promote therapeutic compli-
This study aimed to evaluate reimbursement impact as an
ance. However, adverse side effects should be avoided, mainly
economic driver of therapeutic compliance. It considers a
for lower income individuals, patients requiring polytherapy,
possible association between the number of patients who
and those with chronic diseases and sustained medical expen-
attended a medical appointment, and had medicine pre-
ditures. Indeed, ‘‘healthcare expenditure is a very important
scribed, and the number of these same patients who purchased
factor for patients with chronic diseases because the treatment
the prescribed medicine and whether reimbursement level
could be life-long so the cost of therapy would constitute a
was a deciding compliance-related factor. Several studies
large portion of their disposable income'', pp.282.7
have shown that therapeutic compliance increases healthbenefits,3-5 following which a decrease in health care-relatedexpenditure is expected.
In order to support medication compliance, health care sys-
1 Universidade Cato´lica Portuguesa, Palma de Cima, Lisboa, Portugal
tems monitoring programs can be implemented. They should
2 Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
involve all of the stakeholders—patients, medical doctors, and
Corresponding Author:
pharmacists—to ensure that health outcomes actually follow
Maria da Conceic¸a˜o Constantino Portela, Universidade Cato´lica Portuguesa,
prescribed therapeutic regimens, as pointed out by the World
Palma de Cima, Lisboa, 1649-023, Portugal.
Health Organization.6
Creative Commons CC-BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without furtherpermission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (
Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology
Therefore, it is critical to define copayment according to the
prescribed medication as the cost of that medication increases. In
expected therapeutic benefits in specific groups of patients, by
these cases, discontinuation of either the ongoing or the begin-
decreasing therapeutical costs and fostering health outcomes.8
ning of therapeutic medication negatively affected health
The reimbursement system in Portugal is established accord-
ing to disease severity, and the acute or chronic condition ofdiseases. The lower levels of copayment are applied to mild
severity and acute diseases, being the highest ones related tosevere and chronic conditions.
Portuguese patients attending a medical appointment between
There are 4 levels of reimbursement: level D, at15%, is the
2010 and the first half of 2012 at 64 public health care centers
lowest one and includes medicines in a transitory situation in
(Continental Portugal ACES) were identified. The sample
which the price evaluation is still ongoing in terms of reimbur-
includes patients with diagnosis related to the most prevailing
sement; level C, at 37%, is for transitory and mild conditions;
diseases in Portugal, which represent the highest percentage of
level B, at 69%, includes medicines for moderate chronic
public health costs: diabetes, hypertension, cerebrovascular
diseases; and level A, at 95%, is for medicines prescribed for
diseases, asthma, and ulcer disease, as displayed at Table 1.
severe chronic diseases. Insulin is a special case in level A,
The number of patients with prescriptions has been col-
benefitting from a 100% reimbursement. The prescription of
lected from the Health System Central Office (Administrac¸a˜o
medicines at public health care centers relies on national ther-
Central do Sistema de Sau´de). Data concerning the number of
apeutic guidelines published by the Department of Quality in
patients with purchased prescribed medicines were obtained
Health (Departamento da Qualidade na Sau´de) of the Health
from the Invoice Checking Centre (Central de Conferˆencia
Directorate (Direc¸a˜o Geral de Sau´de).
de Faturas). The percentage of variation between the numberof patients with prescriptions and the number who actually hadtheir medicines dispensed provides a measure of therapeutic
An Empirical Perspective
compliance in terms of prescribed medicines purchased.
A review of the literature shows 50% therapeutic compliance
A conservative approach was taken with respect to the miss-
in patients having chronic diseases in developed countries.6
ing data of patients who had had prescriptions and medicine
However, these generic data do not identify the specific varia-
dispensed during the second semester of 2012. We elected to
tions in different pharmacotherapeutic groups and their associ-
apply the same profiles as the previous years. The annual data
ated health outcomes.
came to a total of 96 observations, a total of 32 observations
When there is full compliance for hypertension, the risk of
collected per year during the 3 years. They concern each one of
cardiac ischemic disease decreases by 3 or 4-fold.9 Regarding
the disease segments related to the 16 International Classifica-
patients who experience a first myocardial infarction, those
tion of Primary Care codes of diseases. Following a descriptive
who had statin compliance lower than 80% had a more than
longitudinal and retrospective analysis, we pursue with an esti-
4-fold increase in risk of recurrent myocardial infarction and
mation of the normality presuppositions in order to conduct a
a more than 2-fold higher risk of all cause mortality when
compared to those who experienced an adherence equaled orhigher than 80%.2 For antidyslipidemic drugs 12 months after
therapy initiation, a study reported adherence of 84% to 89%,but another study reported only 50%.10,11 For diabetes, it was
A major asymmetry was observed concerning the number of
found that only 28% of the patients in Europe achieved ade-
patients in each of the identified segments, with patients having
quate glycemic control.12 Similar results were found in patients
arterial hypertension being the most numerous. Average num-
with asthma using prophylactic therapy, while for patients using
bers of 3 475 016 (standard deviation [SD] ¼ 323,481) patients
maintenance therapy, the number reaches 30% to 70%.13,14
with medical prescriptions and 3 191 672 (SD ¼ 186,209)
Financial factors are the most important reason for these results,
patients with prescribed medicines dispensed by pharmacies
followed by the number of different medicines prescribed for the
were observed.
patient.15 Low levels of compliance reinforce the economic bur-
Between 2010 and 2012, the average number of patients in the
den related to the most common diseases.2
diabetes segment of the pharmacotherapeutic groups with medi-
In Portugal, a study aimed at identifying the determinants
cal prescriptions was 831 410 (SD ¼ 315 413), which decreased to
for therapeutic compliance showed that the main reason for
an average of 749 078 (SD ¼ 264 796) patients who purchased
nonadherence was forgetfulness followed by ‘‘lack of economic
their prescribed medicines in the pharmacy. For those taking
resources/being more expensive,'' with the latter being the sec-
antiplatelet, antiulcer, and antiasthmatic therapies, the average
ond most stated reason. The third reason was not wanting to take
number of patients with medical prescriptions was 73 418
the medicines or not liking the medication. However, the third
(SD ¼ 79,563), 174 396 (SD ¼ 90,730), and 100 660 (SD ¼
factor remains the same as previously mentioned that of cost.
73,055), respectively. For the same segments, the average number
This study also showed that about 33% of patients with chronic
of patients with prescriptions who purchased the prescribed med-
conditions ceased taking the prescribed medication for economic
icines from a pharmacy was 76 990 (SD ¼ 92 135), 127 024
reasons.16 Further studies have shown a decrease in the intake of
(SD ¼ 66 510), and 86 386 (SD ¼ 65 429), respectively (Table 2).
Constantino Portela and Campos Fernandes
Table 1. Norms Issued by Health Directorate, code ICPC, Pharmacoterapeutic Group (PTG), and Associated Reimbursement Levels.
001/2011 Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Non-insulin dependent diabetes
therapy: metformin
Oral antidiabetics
003/2010 Hypertension therapy:
K86 Hypertension without complications 3.4.
Thiazides and similars Association of diuretics
014/2011 Use and selection of
K74 Ischemic heart disease with angina Antiplatelet drugs
antiplatelet drugs
K75 Acute myocardial infarctionK76 Ischemic heart disease with anginaK89 Transient cerebral ischemicK90 StrokeK91 Cerebrovascular diseaseK92 Atherosclerosis/Peripheral
016/2011 Asthma control
Adrenergic agonists b
Cholinergic antagonists
036/2011 Acid suppression: use of
D84 Esophagus disease H2 receptor antagonists
proton-pump inhibitors and
D86 Peptic Ulcer, other Proton-pump inhibitors
therapeutic alternatives
D87 Altered stomach functions
Abbreviations: ICPC, International classification of primary care; PTG, Pharmacoterapeutic group, as established by Decree law 924-A/2010, September 17.
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics Concerning the Number of Patients With Medicine Prescription and Dispensing for the Segments AssociatedAccording to the Pharmacotherapeutical Groups, for the Period Between 2010 and 2012.a
Patients Segments
According toDrug Therapy
Maximum Minimum No. of Patients
Maximum Minimum No. of Patients
Antihypertensives 3 475 016 323 481 4 538 410
3 191 672 186 209 4 303 946
Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.
aCalculation by the authors, based on data at Health System Central Office and Invoice Checking Centre. Data obtained in September 2012.
The percentage of variation observed between the average
Table 3. Spearman Correlation Coefficient Between the Percentage
number of patients with a medical prescription and the average
Variation Observed Between the Number of Patients With Prescrip-
number of the same patients who effectively purchased the
tion and Dispensing of Medicines Belonging to 5 Pharmacoterapeutic
prescribed medicines between 2010 and 2012 decreased by
Groups and the Associated Reimbursement Level, Between 2010 and
32% for the antiulcer and by 16%, 9%, 5%, and 7% for the
antiasthmatic, antiplatelet, antihypertensive, and antidiabetic
Spearman Coefficient
We found a positive correlation between the percentage of
variation in the number of the same patients with prescriptions
and with medicines dispensed belonging to the various pharma-
cotherapeutic groups and the reimbursement level associated
aCalculation based on data from Health System Central Office and Invoice
with the pharmacotherapeutic groups (Table 3). The positive
Checking Centre. Data obtained in September, 2012.
association between these 2 variables decreased from a high
bP value <.01.
Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology
correlation coefficient of .629 in 2010 to a moderate correlation
coefficient of .498 in 2012, being statistically significant for the
The author received no financial support for the research, authorship,
3 correlations (P < .01).
and/or publication of this article.
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Author Biographies
prescric¸o˜es m´edicas. Associac¸a˜o Portuguesa da Indu´stria Farm-ac ˆeutica.2010. Web site.
Maria da Conceic¸a˜o Constantino Portela is PhD in Health Econom-
ics and PharmD from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is a research
fellow in Centro de Investigac¸a˜o Interdisciplinar em Sau´de from Uni-
November 3, 2012.
versidade Cato´lica Portuguesa.
Adalberto Campos Fernandes is MSc in Public Health and MD from
. Accessed May 3,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is also an assistant professor in
National School of Public Health in Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Academic Licensing Agreements Using Academic License Agreements To Promote Global Social Responsibility By Ashley J. Stevens D.Phil (Oxon) and April E. Effort I. Abstract Anderson, Anderson and Company; Alan Bennett, he impetus to use academic innovations to University of California Davis; Ian Bell and Angus Liv- enhance peoples' lives in the developing
Società per azioni – Sede Sociale in Roma, Via Alessandro Specchi 16 Direzione Generale in Milano, Piazza Gae Aulenti 3 – Tower A; iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Roma, codice fiscale e partita IVA n. 00348170101; iscritta all'Albo delle Banche Capogruppo del Gruppo Bancario UniCredit, Albo dei Gruppi Bancari: cod. 02008.1 Capitale sociale euro 19.905.773.742,24 interamente versato