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The scope of the consolidation The companies included in the consolidation as at 30th June 2012 are listed below, divided into subsidiaries (fully consolidated) and associates (accounted for using the equity method). The percentage of control or ownership attributable to the Group (direct or indirect), their headquarters (registered address or operating headquarters) and the share capital is also

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ImmunoCAP® Rapid Allergens in the Assay Device Code and full name Precautions • For in vitro diagnostic use. Not for internal or external use in humans or animals. Asthma/Rhinitis Adult Cat epithelium and dander • Do not use reagents beyond their expiration dates. • The Assay Device, Blood Sampling Device and Pipettes are for single use only.


International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 23S1 (2004) S67–S74 Bacterial biofilm formation on urologic devices and heparin coating as preventive strategy Peter Tenke , Claus R. Riedl , Gwennan Ll. Jones , Gareth J. Williams , David Stickler , Elisabeth Nagy a Department of Urology, Jahn Ferenc South-Pest Hospital, H-1204 Budapest, Köves u. 2-4, Hungary b Department of Urology, Thermenklinikum Baden, Baden, Austria


Excerpt from the Long Term Care Outbreak Procedure manual – Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region December 2015 Management of Staff The management of staff, and other personnel who provide services in a long-term care facility, is an important component in the implementation of outbreak control measures and requires careful consideration and planning. Immunization or chemoprophylaxis may be a recommended measure to prevent and control the outbreak. The causative organism will determine if this measure is necessary. Staff can inadvertently bring organisms from one unit to another or from a facility in outbreak to another facility. Staff must disclose if they work in different healthcare facilities. Influenza is the only respiratory organism that staff can be immunized against to help protect residents by decreasing the risk of transmission.


Herausgeber: B. Jain Das Kopieren der Leseproben ist nicht gestattet.Unimedica im Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, D-79400 KandernTel. +49 7626 9749 700 Homeopathic Approach to Dermatology Diagnosis Demonstration of typical lesion - polyhedral, firm, violaceous (may be difficult to detect in dark skinned people), flat topped papules with Wickham's striae and very thin adherent scales.

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Vol 119 No 1230 ISSN 1175 8716 Should New Zealand continue signing up to the PethidineProtocol? Pethidine is no longer considered a first-line analgesic. The evidence for this view iscritically presented. Clinicians around the World recommend its removal from health-systems or restriction of its use. New Zealand needs to follow these trends. Pethidine (meperidine) is still widely used in New Zealand by general practitioners,accident and emergency units1, and surgical and maternity suites.2 Ninety-six percentof obstetric facilities in New Zealand have access to intramuscular pethidine.3Pethidine is often a preferred analgesic by both patients and physicians in thetreatment of migraines. In the light of recent evidence, there is a movement globallyto replace pethidine with more efficacious and less toxic opioid analgesics.4 In NewZealand, is pethidine a second-line agent with first-line prescribing practices?5

Pii: s0166-6851(02)00238-4

Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology 125 (2002) 211 /216 Short communication Targeting of a tetracycline-inducible expression system to the transcriptionally silent minichromosomes of Trypanosoma brucei Bill Wickstead 1, Klaus Ersfeld, Keith Gull School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, 2.205 Stopford Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PT, UK Received 15 July 2002; received in revised form 10 September 2002; accepted 10 September 2002

Ortografía de la lengua española

LENGUA ESPAÑOLA Edición revisada por las Academias de la Lengua Española © Real Academia Española, 1999 ISBN 84–239–9250–0 RELACIÓN DE LAS ACADEMIAS QUE HAN INTERVENIDO EN LA PREPARACIÓN DE ESTA ORTOGRAFÍA, ORDENADAS SEGÚN SU FECHA DE FUNDACIÓN Real Academia Española (1713) Academia Colombiana de la Lengua (1871) Academia Ecuatoriana de la Lengua (1874) Academia Mexicana (1875) Academia Salvadoreña de la Lengua (1876) Academia Venezolana de la Lengua (1883) Academia Chilena de la Lengua (1885) Academia Peruana de la Lengua (1887) Academia Guatemalteca de la Lengua (1887) Academia Costarricense de la Lengua (1923) Academia Filipina de la Lengua Española (1924) Academia Panameña de la Lengua (1926) Academia Cubana de la Lengua (1926) Academia Paraguaya de la Lengua Española (1927) Academia Dominicana de la Lengua (1927) Academia Boliviana de la Lengua (1927) Academia Nicaragüense de la Lengua (1928) Academia Argentina de Letras (1931) Academia Nacional de Letras, del Uruguay (1943) Academia Hondureña de la Lengua (1949) Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española (1955) Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (1973)


TEMA 1. ANEMIA. CONCEPTO Y EVALUACION Se define la anemia por la disminución de la masa eritrocitaria. En la práctica' clínica, la anemia viene definida por la disminución de¡ volumen de hematíes medido mediante el número de hematíes en el hemograma, elhematocrito y mejor aún, la concentración de hemoglobina. En el enfermo anémico se produce un aumento del 2-3 DPG eritrocitario. Esta situación al igual que la acidosis

Alerta de novedades - sibubo

SIBUBO – ALERTA BIBLIOGRAFICA (octubre a noviembre 2014) Sede Viel: (56) 22477 4131 – 22477 4130 – 22477 4184 Sede Rondizzoni: (56) 22477 4271 Estimados lectores: Esta Alerta de Novedades contiene los materiales ingresados en los meses de octubre y noviembre del 2014. Las referencias bibliográficas contenidas se encuentran en formato de normativa APA, a fin de familiarizar al lector en su uso, incorporando además el número de pedido de Biblioteca, para facilitar el acceso al material.

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE Valmore José Bermúdez Pirela, MD, MPH, MgS, PhD DATOS PERSONALES Apellidos Bermúdez Pirela Cédula de Identidad Lugar de Nacimiento Maracaibo, Estado Zulia Fecha de Nacimiento Dirección de Habitación Urb. Monte Bello, Avenida 11, con calle M-N

Multicentre prospective crossover study of the prostatic urethral lift for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia

Multicentre prospective crossover study of the‘prostatic urethral lift' for the treatment of lowerurinary tract symptoms secondary to benignprostatic hyperplasiaAnthony L. Cantwell, William K. Bogache*, Steven F. Richardson†, Ronald F. Tutrone‡,Jack Barkin§, James E. Fagelson¶, Peter T. Chin†† and Henry H. Woo‡‡ Atlantic Urological Associates, Daytona Beach, FL, *Carolina Urological Research Center, Myrtle Beach, SC, †WesternUrological Clinic, Salt Lake City, UT, ‡Chesapeake Urology, Baltimore, MD, USA, §University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,Canada, ¶Urology Associates of Denver, Denver, CO, USA, ††Figtree Private Hospital, Figtree, and ‡‡Sydney AdventistHospital Clinical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia


University Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Evaluative Report of the Programme Name of the Programme: University Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Year of establishment : Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Faculty of Science and Technology Names of programmes offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.) : a. PG - M. Pharm. in six different specializations viz.,

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Methylphenidate and Dextroamphetamine Abuse Methylphenidate and Dextroamphetamine Abuse in Substance-Abusing Robert J. Williams, PhD1; Leslie A. Goodale, RN2; Michele A. Shay-Fiddler, MSW2; Susan P. Gloster, BN3; Samuel Y. Chang, MD2 1. Addiction Counselling Program; School of Health Sciences; University of Lethbridge 2. Addiction Centre; Foothills Medical Centre; Calgary, Alberta 3. Lethbridge Regional Hospital; Lethbridge, Alberta

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Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality WATER9 – An Air Emission Model for Animal Feeding Operations – Software for Both Field Agents and Comprehensive Scientific Research M.E. Deerhake1, C.C. Allen2, and S. Nizich3 1RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC 2RT Allen, Durham, NC 3U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC

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Società per azioni – Sede Sociale in Roma, Via Alessandro Specchi 16 Direzione Generale in Milano, Piazza Gae Aulenti 3 – Tower A; iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Roma, codice fiscale e partita IVA n. 00348170101; iscritta all'Albo delle Banche Capogruppo del Gruppo Bancario UniCredit, Albo dei Gruppi Bancari: cod. 02008.1 Capitale sociale euro 19.905.773.742,24 interamente versato

Harmonizing standards as institutions

HARMONIZING STANDARDS AS INSTITUTIONS Monika Tothova and James F. Oehmke (Paper Presented on the 7th International Conference on "Institutions in Transitions", Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, June 19-20, 2003) Integration efforts of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are gradually materializing. Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, and in addition to Cyprus and Malta, are to join the EU on May 1 2004 after the Accession Treaty is ratifiedthusiasm is apparent in every accession country, less optimistic opinions are also voiced. One of the first short- and medium-term priorities in each country was to establish and consolidate standardization and conformity assessment structures. While the concept of "deeper integration beyond abolition of import tariffs and quotas, to further measures to remove market segmentation and promote integration" (Venables 2000) is by and large not questioned, critical views on potential losses of national standards harming national identity – i.e., what constitutes "rum", and how to address cheeses made from non-pasteurized sheep milk – are seen as well. The issue of "lost national standards" is repeated: in 1987 the EU (then European Community) published its visionary plan on new, standardized Europe of 1992; a gain of 7 per cent of European income was estimated from harmonization (Emerson 1988, p.6). Even then British were opposed to some parts of it, claiming "brilliant green mushy peas" and "pink sausages" are part of their national identity, and eventually succeeded in getting the necessary exemptions (Krugman and Obstfeld 2002). Although the harmonization issue has been on the tables in Brussels at least since the late 1980s, it yet has to be concluded. Over the years "new" approach replaced the "old" one: instead of imposing technical solutions, the EU legislation is limited to establishing the essential requirements which products must meet (EC 2003). Differences in quality standards are protected by World Trade Organization's (WTO) recognition of countries' right to adopt the standards they consider appropriate – i.e., for human, animal or plant life or health, for the protection of the environment or to meet other consumer interests assuming their use is justified and they are not used as barriers to trade (WTO 2003). Although countries are urged to apply international food standards (when existing), suggestions of Codex Alimentarius result is a variety of standards and technical regulations across the world and consequent welfare losses. Reaching out for an example from outside Europe, tolerance levels for


Neglected Tropical Diseases An Integrated Plan of Action Ministry of Health Indonesia 2011-2015 World He latnh An Integrated Plan of Action to successfully achieve elimination and sustained control of 5 of the mostimportant neglected tropical diseases in Indonesia: Lymphatic Filariasis, Schistosomiasis,Leprosy, World He latnh Yaws and Soil-Transmitted Helminths.


Mercredi, le 22 avril 2015 27. Nationaler Fussballtag am 14. Juni 2015 in Ettelbrück Einteilung der Gruppen in den verschiedenen Kategorien SCOLAIRES (53 Teams) RACING FCU Luxembourg FC DIFFERDANGE 03 PROGRES NIEDERCORN E. AISCHDALL SKS 06 FC SCHIFFLANGE 95 BERDENIA BERBOURG YOUNG BOYS DIEKIRCH DARING ECHTERNACH


Postgrad Med J 2007;83:469–472. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2006.055913 The diagnostic approach to ureteric colic has changed due to ultrasound, intravenous urography and computed the introduction of new radiological imaging such as non- contrast CT. The role of intravenous urography, which is Plain radiograph of the kidney, ureter and regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of ureteric

Anodic oxidation of nitrobenzene on bdd electrode: variable effects and mechanisms of degradation

Contents lists available at Separation and Purification Technology Anodic oxidation of nitrobenzene on BDD electrode: Variable effectsand mechanisms of degradation Nejmeddine Rabaaoui ,Younes Moussaoui ,Mohamed Salah Allagui , Bedoui Ahmed ,Elimame Elaloui a Materials, Environment and Energy Laboratory, Science Faculty of Gafsa, University of Gafsa, Gafsa 2112, Tunisiab Science Faculty of Gafsa, University of Gafsa, Tunisiac Science Faculty of Gabes, University of Gabes, Gabes 6072, Tunisiad Physical Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Science Faculty of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia

C2gc00006g 1372.1375 ++

Cite this: Green Chem., 2012, 14, 1372 Selective reduction of aldehydes and ketones to alcohols with ammoniaborane in neat water† Lei Shi, Yingying Liu, Qingfeng Liu, Bin Wei and Guisheng Zhang* Received 4th January 2012, Accepted 20th February 2012DOI: 10.1039/c2gc00006g Chemoselective reduction of various carbonyl compounds to alcohols with ammonia borane (AB), anontoxic, environmentally benign, and easily handled reagent, in neat water was achieved in quantitativeconversions and high isolated yields. Interestingly, α- and β-keto esters were selectively reduced tocorresponding hydroxyl esters by AB, while diols were obtained when sodium borohydride was used as areducing agent. The procedure is also compatible with the presence of a variety of base-labile protectinggroups, such as tosyl, acetyl, benzoyl, ester groups, and acid-labile protecting groups such as trityl andTBDMS groups, and others, such as the unsaturated double bond, nitro and cyano groups. Finally, a kiloscale reaction of methyl benzoylformate with AB was conducted in water and gave methyl mandelate in94% yield.

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YEAR REPORT 2008 DEPARTMENT OF ENDOCRINOLOGY INTERNAL MEDICINE University Medical Center Groningen Postal address Visitors address 9700 RB Groningen 9713 GZ Groningen http://www.umcg.net Year Report 2008 – Dept. of Endocrinology, UMCG & University of Groningen, The Netherlands  1. Personnel . 3 

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